CH 27: Teaching the craft of cooking

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The smoke from the crackling fire danced with the setting sun as it went out the window. It's shadows casting long flickering lines across the earthen floor of their stone hut. Karee, her brow furrowed in concentration, carefully turned the spits holding four plump rabbits over the flames. The savory aroma of roasted meat mingled with the earthy scent of wild potatoes and the sweet fragrance of roasting corn, a symphony of flavors unique to their world.
"Rontu watch the potatoes, they’re almost done." Karee instructed, her voice calm and steady.
Rontud eyes crinkled with a loving smile, nodded, carefully tending to the bubbling pot of potatoes.
Kaden had already finished to corn, it was rooted and now in a basket for travel, a lid keeping in the heat.
Their world was one where cooking was a unknow art. People ate their food raw, surviving on whatever they could forage or hunt. Karee knew her new friends had never had anything cooked and she decided to change that.
Their meal prepared, Karee, Rontu, and Kaden set off towards Talia and Sage's home, their steps light and easy despite the weight of their baskets laden with food. The forest path, dappled with the golden hues of the setting sun and the chatter of birds filled the air with a symphony of nature.
They arrived at Talia and Sage’s stone hut, a cozy dwelling nestled towards the edge of the city with oak and willow trees separating their home from the citys wall. Talia, with her bright blue eyes and cascading black hair, greeted them with a flurry of excited gestures.  Sage tall and kind smiled warmly, his kind eyes gleaming with amusement at his sister, it had been alongtime sincehe had seen her this happy.
"What is that delicious smell?" Talia exclaimed, her nose twitching with anticipation.
Rontu, ever the gentleman, held out a basket filled with the roasted rabbits, "Karee cooked something special for you and your brother." The thought of getting a gift made the siblings smile but at the same time they were confused.
"Cooked food?" Talia asked, her eyebrows raised in confusion. Karee explained the various dishes, the roasted rabbits, the sweet corn, and the earthy potatoes all made with the use of fire and diffrent herbs. Talia and Sage, however, were skeptical.  "It tastes better," Kaden piped up. "It’s warm and delicious! You have to try it!"
Sage, ever the cautious one, was hesitant. Most people were scared of fire but him being a healer knew it could indeed be helpful if you used it properly but he had never heard of 'cooking' so he wasn't sure how safe it was, let alone how it would taste, most things he made with fire were medicines that didn't taste great but could help heal and cure sickness. Howeve the alluring aromas wafting from the baskets were impossible to ignore.
With a hesitant smile, Sage agreed to try a bite. He took a piece of roasted rabbit, his eyes wide with curiosity as he lifted it to his mouth. The moment the meat touched his tongue, his world shifted. It was a revelation, a sensory explosion of flavor that he had never experienced before.
Talia, her gaze fixed on Sage’s face, could tell he was enjoying it. With a playful giggle, she snatched a piece of corn and popped it in her mouth. Her eyes widened in astonishment.
"It’s…delicious!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder.
Karee laughed, she always loved when the people of this world experienced cooked food for the first time, "Im glad you like it. I wanted you to thank you and Sage for your kindness and to celebrate our new friendship, so I figured this would be a good way to do that."
"Thank you for sharing this with us,." Talia said sincerely. "Sage and I have never tasted anything so wonderful."
"It's my pleasure," Karee replied with a sweet smile as they all gathered ready to eat.
The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in vibrant hues of orange and purple as the group ate, their laughter echoing through the trees, a testament to the power of food to bring people together. Karee had explained that where she came from everyone had to cook to eat and if you didn't you could get sick and die. The siblings eyes widened at hearing this and took a mental note to never feed her uncooked food.
As the night deepened, the group huddled around a small flame Sage had made in his 'office' where he usually made emergency medications. Their faces illuminated by the flickering flames as they talked, they laughed, they shared stories. Sage enthralled by the tales of cooking, leaned closer to Karee, his eyes gleaming with unbridled curiosity.
"Will you teach me how to cook, Karee?" he asked, his voice filled with hope. "If I learn to cook like this I'm sure I can keep Talia full and happy." Karee smiled, her heart overflowing with warmth. "Of course Sage. I bet you’re a quick learner so you’ll be a master chef in no time."
"Can I learn to?" Talia asked, "It would give me something to do and I could help Sage cook." Karee smiled sweetly Talia, "Of course. Anytime you want to learn just come over to our home and I can teach you or you can invite me over and I'll teach you here."
Over the next couple of weeks Karee began by teaching them the basics with Kaden and Rontu as her assistants since they had helped her cook in the past. They taught them things like how to gather and prepare ingredients, to handling bone knives and stone pots. In return Sage gathered fresh herbs and plants for Karee and her family to use and Talia spent time with Karee, allowing the girls to relax without the constant presence of males hovering over them.
As they progressed, they spent countless hours experimenting with flavors and techniques. Karee shared her knowledge of wild herbs and mushrooms, while Talia and Sage brought their own unique perspectives to the table. Together, they created dishes that delighted their taste buds and filled their hearts with joy.
Karee taught them fire safety, the art of seasoning, and the balance of flavors. Talia excelled in the meticulous task of preparing ingredients, while Sage was great at licking herbs to enhance flavors combined with his natural dexterity in handling the tools of the kitchen.
As their skills flourished, so too did their appreciation for the joy and sustenance that cooking provided. They experimented with different combinations of herbs and spices, creating dishes that tantalized their taste buds and filled them with an indescribable satisfaction. 
The sound of laughter and the clatter of pots and pans echoed through the trees, as the two families bonded over their shared passion. They discovered that cooking was not just about satisfying hunger, but also about creativity, connection, and the simple pleasure of sharing a meal.

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