CH 29: A diagnosis and a celebration

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A month had passed since Karee had gone on a shopping spree with Talia and Rontu. The bed Kaden had made was comfortable and welcoming to the small family. The trio had also made more furniture like a couch and a dining table with chairs. Karee had shown her mates and Talia how to knit and crochet, as a result everyone had new clothes to last through the heat of the season. They also all had new blankets for when the temperatures would start dropping soon.
Lately, an unrelenting fatigue had gripped Karee, it weighing heavy on her body. It was a constant companion that drained her energy and left her aching. Feeling disheartened she confided in Rontu, her voice laced with weariness.
"Rontu," she began, her eyes holding a mixture of concern and exhaustion, "I've been feeling so tired lately. My body is constantly sore, and I just want to sleep. I haven't even done anything strenuous lately so I don't understand why I feel like this." "Perhaps you need a good rest," Rontu suggested, his brow furrowing. "And maybe a soothing balm for your aches."
"Maybe." Karee said, though the weariness in her voice didn't leave.
Rontu listened intently, his heart filled with both love and worry. As he listened a thought came to him, his gaze lingering on her stomach, his hand unconsciously resting on her hip. "When was the last time you had your period love?" he asked gently.
Karee's brows furrowed as she pondered the question. A sudden realization washed over her, like a cold splash of water. "Oh god. It's over a week late," she uttered in a small voice. A flicker of concern mixed with excitement crossed Rontu's face. "Thats unusual for you." he said thoughtfully. "Should we have Sage come and look you over?"
Kaden, who had been listening silently, stepped forward. Despite his mischievous nature, a hint of tenderness softened his gaze as he looked at Karees worried face. "I'll fetch Sage, don't worry love." he assured her. 'He's our friend, and you know he's a great healer I'm sure he can help." As he sad that Kaden rushed out of the hut. As Karee sat with Rontu she thought to herself, sure they had all been active in the bedroom but she thought they had only done it on her safer days, had she really miscalculated? As quickly as Kaden left he reappeared with Sage right behind them. After a quick greeting with gentle hands Sage examined Karee, checking her pulse and asking detailed questions.
Moments turned into minutes, and minutes into an eternity as they anxiously awaited Sage's verdict. Finally, a faint smile broke across his lips.
"My dear Karee," Sage announced, his voice tinged with joy, "you are with child."
A wave of astonishment washed over the trio. Karee's heart skipped a beat as she reached out and caressed her womb. Rontu's eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and protectiveness, while Kaden's mischievous grin melted into a look of wonder as he offered a heartfelt smile. "We're going to be parents." he said, his voice a full of awe.
"This is a true blessing," said Rontu, his voice choked with emotion. "Can you tell how many or is it still to early""
Sage shook his head no in response.
Karee nodded, tears of happiness streaming down her face. "It doesn't matter, I just can't wait to hold our little ones in my arms." she whispered.
"We should celebrate." Kaden said proudly, "Its not everyday you learn of a pregnancy." Karee smiled in agreement and looked at Sage, "Would you and Talia like to come over for dinner, we can have a mini feast to celebrate." She asked.
"Of course, I'm sure she'll be delighted. She was worried when Kaden got me. I'll go tell her now and we will be back." He said before turning to leave.


A few hours passed and the smoky scent of roasting boar hung heavy in the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of the forest around Karee's stone hut. The fire crackled merrily, casting dancing shadows across the walls as Rontu expertly turned the spit, his broad shoulders glistening with sweat. Karee sat beside him, a contented smile playing on her lips. She was tired, yes, but the exhaustion was a different sort now. A warm, fuzzy kind that bloomed with every beat of her heart.
"Ones going to be a girl you know." Rontu said, his voice low and rumbling, his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that made Karee's breath catch.
"How do you know?" she asked, her hand reaching out to brush against his.
He grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "It's a feeling. A very strong one."
The laughter that bubbled up in Karee's chest was tinged with a touch of nervous excitement. It was still so new, this knowledge that she was carrying a least one child. A child that was either half Rontu, or half Kaden. The thought of sharing their lives with another being, an extension of the love they shared, filled her with a curious mixture of trepidation and joy.
Kaden, ever the jokester, walked in with a stone bucketfull of sweet potatoes. "I've brought the rest of the feast!" he declared, his voice echoing through the hut. "And don't worry, I've brought enough to feed a whole army. Or at least our pregnant mate."
He winked at Karee, his mischievous grin melting into a tender smile. She felt a familiar tug of love, a deep affection for both her mates. Their love was different, unique, a tapestry woven with laughter, understanding, and respect.
"Don't forget about our guests," Rontu said, his voice carrying a hint of playfulness. "I'm sure Sage and Talia will want some as well."
The arrival of Sage and Talia was met with laughter and shared stories. Sage, always the calming presence, brought a basket overflowing with fresh fruits and vegetables, his weathered hands gentle as he placed it on the table. Talia, ever bubbly, followed behind, her eyes sparkling with a joy that was both genuine and bittersweet.
"Oh, Karee," Talia exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine delight, "I'm so happy for you! It's a miracle, you know." She said with a playful laugh.
Karee squeezed her hand, her heart swelling with gratitude. The unspoken bond between them, a shared understanding of the complexities of love and family, ran deep.
They shared a meal, the aroma of roasted boar blending with the sweet scent of fruit. Laughter filled the hut, stories and jokes exchanged in a symphony of warmth and affection. As the night deepened, Sage turned to Karee, his eyes filled with concern.
"You're tired dear," he said softly, his voice filled with a gentle caring. "This is just the beginning, a new journey. Me and Talia will go so you can get some rest."
Karee nodded, her eyelids heavy with sleep. The joy of the celebration had made her exhausted, yet a strange sense of anticipation filled her. The thought of motherhood, of sharing her life with a new soul, stirred a mix of emotions within her.
Rontu and Kaden helped her to bed, their hands gently guiding her, their love a tangible force surrounding her. As she drifted off to sleep, the gentle glow of the fire casting flickering shadows on the walls, she felt a profound sense of peace. She had her mates, her friends, and soon, she would welcome a new life into their world. The unknown future stretched before her, but she knew one thing for certain, she was surrounded by love, and that was all that truly mattered.

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