Surprises and Suspension - 1

644 3 17

(Sexual Scene Warning, the language will get filthier than ever)

Mackenzie's POV

The past few years have been pretty aggressive with the family. Charlotte is starting her first day of kindy and Olivia and Elijah are commonly getting into arguments now that they are nine and fourteen. I have an idea to help recover our family bonding in probably the least corny way possible. I wake up at 4:50 in the morning and feel a little weight next to me. I look to the direction of the weight and I see Bluey snuggling up next to me. I smile to myself and lightly put my arm around her and I see her eyes lightly flutter open as she picks her head up barely off my chest.

Bluey: Good morning babe.

Mackenzie: Good morning Bluey.

Bluey: *smiles and kisses him* Did you sleep well?

Mackenzie: Yeah. What about you?

Bluey: *giggles to herself* Yeah, I just had a little bit of a strange dream.

Mackenzie: *chuckles* Yeah? About what?

Bluey: ... *lightly blushes*

Mackenzie: *flips onto his stomach and kicks his feet behind him* Come on, tell me.

Bluey: *avoids eye contact* Well, it's just...

Mackenzie: *curious* What is it?

Bluey: It's just a little embarrassing.

Mackenzie: Too embarrassing to say to me? We're married for crying out loud!

Bluey: I guess. *laughs* I was just dreaming about us.

Mackenzie: Us? Doing what?

Bluey: Let's just say we were doing some intimate bonding. *smirking*

Mackenzie: Hmm. I see. Was it at least a good dream?

Bluey: Yeah. *blushing*

Mackenzie: *big spoons Bluey* How about I make your dreams come true?

Bluey: Ohh. I like the sound of that. *leans in but then leans back* Hm. Do you think you can take a shower first?

Mackenzie:*chuckles* Well alright. You wanna join?

Bluey: Please? As long as you don't tease me.

Mackenzie: Then come over here.

I take her hand and kiss it. We head to the bathroom and we get in the shower together. I turn on the water and I see the water start flowing down Blueys beautiful fur. I wrap my arms over her head, over her ears, holding them behind her head. She giggles and accidentally snorts in her laughter.

Mackenzie: Aww.

Bluey: *blushes* Don't "aww" that.

Mackenzie: It's fine. *wraps his arms around her and rubs her back*

Bluey: Mmm. That feels nice.

My hands trace down her back and my hand rests on her ass.

Bluey: Ooh. You are one bad boy, aren't you?

Mackenzie: I try to be. *squeezes* That's mine right there.

Bluey: Well... *leads her hand to grab his "little zie"* Then this little guy is mine.

Mackenzie: Hey! Little?!

Bluey: *smirking*

Mackenzie: How could you even tell if it's small? You know what? I think I need to show you how not small it is.

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