Seventeen Hours and Cards - 2

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Mackenzie's POV

I woke up on the couch to see my wife in the kitchen. I would have been sure to continue my slumber if I hadn't listened to any of the noise and bullshit from pots and pans in our kitchen drawers. I look towards Bluey and stand up without bringing my presence to her attention.

Mackenzie: Hey love.

Bluey: *jumps in shock* Oh! Jesus, Mackenzie! Where have you been?!

Mackenzie: I was sleeping on the couch. When I came back from work last night. I saw Olivia in my spot in bed.

Bluey: Oh yeah. Sorry about that.

Mackenzie: Not your fault. I know how clingy she can be.

Bluey: Yeah, true.

Mackenzie: Can you do me a favor and update our calendar?

Bluey: Yeah, I got it. *fixes the calendar* June fourteenth. Are you ready for the trip?

Mackenzie: Absolutely!

Bluey: Did you finish packing?

Mackenzie: *chuckles to himself* Ok, love? I gotta be honest with you. I didn't even start packing.

Bluey: Dammit Mackenzie. *sighs*

Mackenzie: Oh, believe me. That's not even the worst part.

Bluey: *sighs and tenses up* What is it?

Mackenzie: ... I didn't take the day off today.

Bluey: *scoffs and rests head on palms* For pete's sake Mackenzie, what is wrong with you?! Our plane leaves today!

Mackenzie: Sorry Bluey. I really am sorry, but I need to come in today, it is mandatory.

Bluey: Well somebody better have cancer! What, is that your excuse for not packing your luggage too?!

Mackenzie: If it makes you less pissed to say "yes", then yes.

Bluey: Mackenzie, not being prepared is one thing, and so is lying to me, but dear God, would it kill you to at least come up with a GOOD excuse?!

Mackenzie: *confused* You're right. I'm sorry love.

Bluey: It's fine.

Mackenzie: I promise to be a better liar to you in the future.

Bluey: That's the least you could do.

I quickly pack up as much of my luggage as possible until I run out of time and have to leave for work. Once I finish my shift at work, I head back home and finish packing my bags because we have to take a flight from Brisbane to Seattle, then afterwards, after what would be a gruesome five hour layover, we would head to Anchorage. I fall on our couch to start my three hours of hibernation that would help me energize before the restless trip. I start closing my eyes but then I hear Olivia on the other side of the couch, and I can hear her voice getting closer and closer and I reach for an unused pillow on the occupied couch and cover my face with it, bearing nothing but hope that she's not looking for me.

Olivia: Dad! I need your help. *grabs the pillow and pulls it off of Mackenzi, revealing his face* I can't find my power bank.

Mackenzie: Power bank?

Olivia: Yeah, the block that can charge your phone without a plug.

Mackenzie: Sweetie, do you really need it?

Olivia: Yes I do.

Mackenzie: Not with attitude you don't.

Olivia: What?

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