Slashed Throats

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Episode Four: The Stitch Up

Episode Four: The Stitch Up

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Her chest burned. She screamed in pain and collapsed into her table, holding herself up by her arms. Her aortic aneurysm was getting worse by the day.

Elizabeth choked back a sob as she put a hand over her throbbing heart.

"Eliza?" The strawberry blonde turned to see Fanny in the doorway. "What's wrong?"




"Elizabeth Jane Fox!" The youngest screamed. "You and Belle have been keeping me in the dark for months now! Tell me what's going on!"

Elizabeth let out a shaky sigh before nodding and patting a spot on her bed. Fanny swiftly sat down next to her crying sister.

"I, um..... Do you remember when I collapsed?"

The ginger nodded. "Yeah, the doctor said it was an ulcer."

"Well, it's not. I'm having an aortic aneurysm. There's blood caught in my vein. My heart is giving out." The older sister explained.

Fanny let out a strangled sob, covering her mouth. "Th-There's a cure, right?"



Shaking of the head.

"No! There's gotta be a procedure-"

"There is." Elizabeth interrupted. "But the only surgeon to ever do it was Astley Cooper, 40 years ago.....and he killed the patient."

Fanny gasped. "Well.....what are you going to do?"

Eliza swallowed. "Um....either find a way to revolutionize the surgery, or wait."

The redhead sighed as her sister grabbed her hands. "Fan, I will be fine. However, you can't tell mum or dad. They won't believe you."

"I promise sissy. But from now on, I'm in on your whole scheme thing with being a doctor or whatever."

"Surgeon, and deal."

They shook hands.

Fanny smiled smugly. "I guess I also don't have time tell Mother of your admiration for a certain blonde surgeon...."

"Oh God, Fanny, no."

"Kidding, Eliza."

"Yeah, right."


"Bella, stop. You're holding it wrong." Edward said, fixing her hands so she was holding the gun correctly.

"Sorry, but how are you supposed to run and not get stabbed by the bayonet?" The girl asked, poking said bayonet.

"It's the art of war, Belle." He laughed.
They heard yelling outside and the young man groaned.  "I have to get back.  Til we meet again, my fair lady."

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