Oliver Twist

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Episode Seven: Wet Lettuce

The morning after, she was just as hysterical

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The morning after, she was just as hysterical. But she could talk.

"I mean..... I....we talked about marriage....and then he does this." Elizabeth sobbed.

Belle and Fanny both nodded, trying to do her hair as her body shook with sobs. They had heard the story at least twenty times.

Edward was fiddling around with her stethoscope awkwardly.

"And....everything was so amazing....when I left. And then I wanted to go back later, but Mother went by herself-"

"Wait." Belle interrupted. "Mother went to the hospital?"

Fanny perked up. "Why would she do that? She hates going there."

Elizabeth shook her head through her tears. "She found out I worked there and then made the driver take me home-"

"Oh my god!" Belle yelled. Elizabeth looked at her older sister in confusion. The guard fell off his chair with a surprised yelp.

"What, Bells?" He groaned from the floor.

"Mom talked to him!" The brunette exclaimed. "She must have! She knows you fancy him, Eliza! What did he say when he broke it off?"

The strawberry blonde sniffled. "He said.....he said....he didn't want to be distracted from his work..." she started to cry again, this time a little quieter.

"Mother threatened his job." Fanny realized aloud.

Edward gasped. "Jane wouldn't-"

All three sisters gave him a pointed look.

"Never mind."

Elizabeth dried her tears, standing up with a determined look. "You two, come with me. Edward, go back to your post. I've got a mother to yell at."


"HOW DARE YOU!!" Elizabeth screamed as she walked into the family room.

Jane didn't look up from her book. "Did your time of the month come early, dear?"

Belle scoffed. "Don't patronize her, Mother."

Fanny took her book away. "Look at us."

Jane raised her eyebrows. "What makes you think you can speak to me this way?"

Elizabeth laughed bitterly. "Maybe threatening Jack's job because he was training me."

The woman's head snapped to her middle daughter. "How did you know? Did he tell you?"

The eldest child groaned in frustration. "You don't even deny it? Mother!"

Fanny smiled proudly. "We figured it out ourselves."

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