Carbolic Acid

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Episode Three:  Dead Men's Secrets

Episode Three:  Dead Men's Secrets

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Elizabeth woke up early.  It had now been a week since she had lost her first patient, but she had gotten over it.  She occupied herself with treating patients, more surgeries, and her favorite pastime, spending days with Jack Dawkins. 

Her sister, Belle, teased her every time she saw her come home, but Elizabeth always fired back, commenting on the significant amount of time Belle and Edward spent together.

The Strawberry Blonde made her way the hospital, covered with a cloak.  She unlocked the door with her set of keys and slipped into the hospital.  She beelined to the morgue, checking that Tinkler was still there.

When she got inside, she wrinkled her nose in disgust.  Carbolic acid had a very unique smell.  She walked to her dead patient, removing a rag.

What she saw made her stomach drop.  The spot that the rag had occupied was completely void of infection, the area around it still very much covered in rot. 

She smiled widely.  She had to tell Belle and Jack.  This could revolutionize treatment against infection.  She had to admit, curing infection with a cleaning product sounded a bit strange, but she was willing to try it, with the help of her alchemist sister, of course.  On the way out, she ran into Hetty.

"Hetty! Good day! What did you use to clean the morgue?"

Hetty smiled at her friend.  "Good morning, Lady Liza, I cleaned it with carbolic acid.  Why? Is something wrong?"

Elizabeth shook her head.  "Quite the opposite actually."  She hugged the nurse quickly before sprinting put the door, making the nurse look at her as if she was crazy.

She was gonna cure infection.


Belle loved to sleep.  She believed that a sleep schedule played a part in one's health.  So naturally, she was nothing less than ticked when her sister dragged her out of bed at six in the morning to search for a book. 

They made their way down the stairs and into the study. 

They were throwing books off shelves when Belle was finally in the loop.  She too found this important.  They were looking for one book in particular. 

The study was a mess.  Books were spread across the floor.

Elizabeth groaned.  "It was here!"

They continued looking until the Governor and Gaines came in.  They were arguing about the stolen soldiers pay.  Both sisters' faces went pale. 

Edward wasn't getting paid.

They tried to tune put the mindless argument happening behind them before finally giving up on the book.  The middle Fox daughter turned around.  "Where's my Lancet, Father?"

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