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Episode Seven: Wet Lettuce

Episode Seven: Wet Lettuce

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Elizabeth was excited. She was currently on a carriage with her sister, going into town.

"Drop me off up the road a little. I need to buy some items." The older sister ordered. Fanny snorted.

"No, you don't. You're going to the hospital to see your paramour."

"I am not."

"Yes, you are. I've followed you."

"Fanny!" The strawberry blonde snapped.

"It's all right, I won't tell. I think it's terribly exciting." The redhead smiled.

Elizabeth smiled shyly. "It is a little. Please, not a word."

"Sister's promise." Fanny grabbed her pinky finger and locked it with her own. She grinned.

"And I know you've been kissed before." The middle Fox sister snapped her head up to look at her sister in alarm.

"I've only ever kissed Dr. Sneed, and he was unconscious at the time, and his lips were swollen. I didn't feel any real butterflies. Is that normal?"

Elizabeth shrugged. "It is often the case when kissing comatose people."

Fanny nodded. "I've been practicing on a banana."

Elizabeth giggled. "What, exactly, on a banana?"

"Kissing. It is sort of the same shape as a lip."

"Why?" The elder of the two was trying not to laugh.

"Because, in the next few days, a ship will arrive with a man on it."

"Yes, not uncommon in a harbour town, where men outnumber us eight to one." Elizabeth snarked.

"One man in particular. He's with the Bank of Great Britain, and by all reports, someone of outstanding virtue. Mother said she is happy to see me marry, even if it means me going away, and Father said he's prepared to offer a very generous dowry."

The strawberry blonde rolled her eyes, leaning against the carriage wall. "He might be a perfect bore."

"Eliza, please, you're speaking about the man I love." Fanny snapped, earning a snicker from her sister.

Eliza raised her hands up in surrender. "If the virtuous man from the Bank of Great Britain kisses you, you will know if he's the one for you. It will feel like nothing else on this earth."


"Mmm." Elizabeth moaned as Jack kissed down her neck before bringing his lips back to hers. They were currently making out in a closet....because why not.

Their relationship had developed into an infatuation. They couldn't keep their hands off of each other for more than an hour. This cupboard was their signature spot, aside from his room.

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