Chapter Twenty-Two - Infinitely Better

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The ecstasy is kicking in.

Usually, I top up with another pill once the first one kicks in, but I'm feeling so good right now that I don't need anything. I want to be on the same level as Lana. And I also don't want to get so fucked up that I can't protect her if I had to.

The swirling lights interchange from soft blue to bright pink to warm purple, and I am mesmerized by the way the colors look on Lana's skin. Her black hair catches the reflection of the lights, and it looks like a silky rainbow. Everything looks beautiful right now. I run my hand up her spine and up the back of her neck as she leads us into the fray.

I fucking love touching this girl.

Every touch is soothing and breathes life into me. Everything feels so good between us, and even though I can't dance, I am weirdly confident in myself that I'll make it work.

We're surrounded by people, but she's the only person I see. I pull her closer to me and walk forward, diving into the breakdown of the music, my body vibrating with the bass.

She finally turns around when we're underneath the disco ball. Her hands are on my chest, and her eyes are stripped down, peering into mine like two gray crystal balls.

She sees all of me, missing nothing.

Very slowly, Lana runs her hand down my stomach, and then she turns around again. She smashes her butt against my front and starts dancing on me all slow and sexy, her lazy rhythm meshing flawlessly with the song.

She's driving me insane with the way she moves her body. It's effortless and overwhelming and I can't get enough of her.

I raise her arms above her head, to the ceiling, then slowly run my hands down her arms, down her shoulders, her slim waist. I give her a gentle nip on the neck before she spins around and faces me.

She moves in slow motion, her hands in her hair, and her smile...

Her smile is like a dream.

To see euphoria on her face feels like I just prayed to some dark God and traded my soul for it. Why is she with me? How did I get so fucking lucky?

The next few minutes blur and blend and speed up and I am touching her and she is touching me and we are one. Exploring each other. Not giving a fuck who's around in this wonderful, strange place.

My lust builds with the music. My need for her becomes so strong; it feels like a life-or-death sort of thing. I need to get closer to her, feel her, taste her...

The song changes to Heartless, by the Weeknd, as do the lights. The neon colors fade to black, and the ruthless crowd howls. We are tangled up in each other, breathing hard, and when the lights finally come, they are glittery and strobing and lagging my vision.

Lana's hands are in my hair. My hands are on her perfect ass. She laughs. We pull apart. Dance separately. Come together again.

And then her lips find mine.


Everything inside me comes to a halt as this moment I've been waiting for crashes into me like a wave.

I've always been an aggressive lover. I like to grab, take command, make a woman submit to me. But the truth is, I submitted myself to Lana a long time ago. I've been following her lead like a dog on a leash, and lemme tell you, the way she's kissing me right now was worth the wait.

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