Chapter Twenty-Three - Pomegranate Seeds

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I'm going to remember this night forever.

Every nerve ending in my body is alive right now, sizzling with this intense, overflowing euphoria. It's just like how Angel described it, but it's even better than I thought it could be. The way Angel kissed me in the club...I've never been kissed that way before. I never felt that way from a kiss before. Granted, I've only kissed one other person in my life, but I still never expected to feel this way. I'm aware the drugs are heightening everything for us, but the feelings I have for him are real.

I'm trying to keep my hands from roaming his body as he drives us home, but they have a will of their own and end up under his T-shirt. He has a couple of raised scars on his ribs, but other than that, his skin is warm and smooth. I clench my legs around him tighter, wanting to be off this bike and alone with him.

All of this is new to me. All this touching and exploring a guy...I just want to make him feel good.

Halfway home, we stop at a red light and a silver car pulls up beside us. Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey blasts from the rolled down windows. I tilt my head and see four girls around my age looking back at me. The driver smiles, and I smile back, but I'm wearing my helmet so she can't see my face.

Just when Lana Del Rey sings kiss me hard before you go, Angel brings my hand to his face and mimics kissing the back of it. The simple gesture causes an avalanche of emotion inside me. The light turns green, and we speed away. The moment is gone, but I'm still smiling.

It's a little after midnight when we finally arrive home.

The motions sensor light outside comes on when Angel pulls into the garage and cuts the engine.

The stillness of no longer moving makes me feel a little unsteady on my feet, but Angel picks me up the moment our helmets are off. I wrap my legs around him and let him carry me to the couch. He plops down with me on top of him, grunting as my weight sinks into him, and there's a moment where we just stare at each other.

He undoes his leather gloves.

"You're so fucking beautiful." He rasps, tossing his gloves aside. He snatches my throat and pulls my mouth down to his. Without the music, I can hear us kissing, and it's erotic. I'm so tightly wound inside; I feel like I'm going to explode if he doesn't start touching me right this fucking second.

"Angel." I break for air, breathless.


"You make me feel so good."

"Happy to hear it, querida."

Without warning, Angel suddenly dips me backward. I yelp, but his hands are fastened behind my back, stopping my fall. He plants kisses down my neck.

"So fucking pretty." He whispers before he kisses the swell of my breast.

"Am I?"

"Mmm-hmm." He hums, hoisting me up.

I run my hands down his chest and feel him grow hard underneath me. Blood rushes to my face, and other places. I'm so embarrassingly wet right now.

He grabs my hand and brings it between us, twisting the ring around my index finger. "Tell me about this ring."

I tear my eyes from his and look down at my hands.

"It's a garnet crystal with diamond accents. I bought it for myself on my eighteenth birthday."

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