Watch Your Back

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A person is been chain up in a dungeon that belong to the Lan clan. He woke up when the metal door slam close in the distance. He look left and right, they chained his arm from wall to wall, this is the same with his leg.

He remember what happen at the Guanyin temple, a group of people in black and red robes enter the temple. They said that Wei Ying want them to kill everyone in the temple.

During the fight one of the man in black and red robes, went toward Wei Ying and that is when Lan Zhan jump in front of Wei Ying and got himself stabbed by that one person. 'Damn you, Jin Guangyao. Your trying to frame me again, all of those people in black and red are your people. Trying to frame me for hurting Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan hasn't come see me yet...don't you trust me...Lan Zhan.'

Wei Ying try to move his hand, he is trying to break the chain so that he can escape from the dungeon. 'These chain are hard to break. Where is Suibian when I needed him the most.'

When Wei Ying said that a wooden sword appear in front of him, "Suibian," then something else appear next to the sword, "Chenqing."

He watch as Suibian unsheathed itself from it scabbard, the sword begin to cut all of the chain around Wei Ying. From his arm to his leg. Suibian put itself back into the scabbard, then it float over to where Wei Ying is at. Once he is on the ground, Chenqing send the dark energy into Wei Ying injury.

Wei Ying take Suibian into his hand, "Thank you Suibian. I will do my best to fight with you in my hand even if I don't have a core anymore."  'I will become stronger without my core. I won't trust anyone else. I am tire of trusting other people when they don't even listen to my side of the stories.'

He can feel himself getting better by the minute. His eye change from silver to crimson red. 'Lan Wangji...Lan Wangji....since you won't see me or save me. I won't give you a second chance. None of you will get your second chance. I will get my revenge, not just mine, Wen Qing and her family will get their as well.'

Cloud Recesses Meeting Hall

In a small corner stand two boys in white clothes, one in red and the other in gold clothes. "I don't like what they are saying about Xian gege. He is not a monster or a demonic cultivator," said one of the boy in white.

"I don't believe them as well Sizhui. Even if we speak up, they won't listen to us Junior," the second boy in white clothes agree with Sizhui who also goes by the name Wen Yuan who is now call Lan Sizhui.

"If they banish senior Wei, I want to go with him. He know more about night hunting, Yao and how to get rid of poison. He know more about it then my clan," come the boy in red clothes.

Then all three turn to look at the boy in gold clothes, "Jin Ling, what about you? You know that Senior Wei and Senior Wen didn't kill your parents." Jin Ling is his name, he is the son of Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli.

"I know, I also want to go with Wei Shushu. My father sect is been corrupted by Jin Guangyao. I will someday take back what belong to me and to my father. Do you guys think Wei Shushu will help me?" The three boys smile as they nodded their head.

The four boys doesn't know it, someone close by has listen onto their conversations. 'It look like the Junior believe Wei xiong is innocent. I also want to help Wei xiong as well but....I don't have any proof.'

"Let's the meeting begin," come Lan Qiren angry tone of voice.

"What should we do with Wei Wuxian? We can't have him roaming around our cultivation world." Someone from other sect speak up.

"Why don't we banish the demonic cultivator?" They all turn to look at the doorway. "Hanguang Jun," they all gave a bow to Lan Zhan.

Sizhui and Jingyi couldn't believe what they are hearing, "Hanguang Jun want to banish Senior Wei?" Jingyi whispered angrily.

"That is a good idea Hanguang Jun. I wouldn't want Jin Ling to get close to the murder who kill my sect, my parents, my sister and Jin Zixuan. Good riddance." Jiang Wangyin scoffed while saying this.

Jin Ling is angry, he is very angry at what his Jiu Jiu is saying about Wei Ying. "How could he say something like that about Wei Shushu?! He gave his golden core to him. Without a core, he can never rebuild his sect or cultivate again!"

The people in the room doesn't know it, Wei Ying already broken free. He is getting back his strength before appearing in the room to get his revenge at those who hurt him, betray him but most of all...doesn't trust him and doesn't believes in him.

Back in the dungeon

Once Chenqing has heal all of his injury, Wei Ying old torn up clothes transform into a new set of clothes with silver and black on them. His sword is hanging on his left side by his waist while Chenqing in on his right waist.

His hair tie back with half up and half down, a black cloak appear on his shoulder and with a hood covering his face. 'Watch out I will take my vengeance one sect at a time and this include the Jiang clan as well.' Wei Ying vanish into dark mist from the dungeon.

Cloud Recesses meeting

"We are glad that you are alright Hanguang Jun. You jump in front of that monster to save him and yet those people were told to kill you and everyone in the room." Another sect leader speak up.

"How amusing," the all see a dark mist turning into a person. "Who are you?!" They all stood up with sword in their hand.

Wei Ying let out a dark chuckle, "who am I? I am the one who will take my revenge out on all of you."

"Revenge?" Leader from the other sect.

"Is Wei Wuxian! He escape from the dungeon!" A Lan clan come running into the room to tell everyone who this person is.

Wei Ying let out another dark chuckle as he remove the cloak. It disappear from his body. Lan Zhan can see the change in Wei Ying eye.

"Wei Qianbei!" The four junior went to stand by Wei Ying side which surprise him.

This also surprise the adult as well, "Zizhen get back over here right now!" Shouted Sect leader Ouyang. "No! You're not a good sect leader! Sect leader Ouyang!" Zizhen stand closer to Jin Ling.

"Go get him back here!" The Ouyang disciple went to get Zizhen only to get push back by Wei Ying dark energy. "Stay. The. Hell.  Away.  From Zizhen."

"Jin Ling come back here or I will break your leg!" Shouted Jiang Cheng. Jin Ling shake his head as he grab onto Wei Ying clothes. Sizhui and Jingyi did the same.

"Well well it look like the second generation is better then the first generation. They understand what is right and what is wrong." Wei Ying make eye contact with Lan Zhan.

"Lan Wangji Lan Wangji....I won't give you a second chance. I won't forgive you even if you find out the truth about who behind the attack back at the temple."

"I don't want your forgiveness. I don't love a monster like you. Wei Wuxian!" Lan Zhan word stabbed Wei Ying in his heart.

"Watch it Lan Wangji. You will regret what you just said," Wei Ying warned Lan Zhan with anger and darkness in his voice.

Dark mist begin to circle around Wei Ying and the four Junior, "You all better watch your back. I will come back to get my vengeance on you all one by one." As Wei Ying and the Junior disappear from there everyone in the room hear Wei Ying voice saying, "let's the vengeance begin," they are in shock and scare for their life.
How is this first chapter? I will have to put this story on hold. I just want to put it down on Wattpad, if not I will forget about it. So leave me a comment okay? Tell me what do you think so far. Thank you!!!

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