Mornings with Chanyeon (Edited)

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Sign language will be in italic and bold

You woke up to the sun peeking through the blue curtains. The room was a bit chilly which made you roll around on the soft bed and curl back up into the blankets. Only to be pulled into a warm body.

"Good Morning Chanyeon." You signed while looking up to your boyfriend of 3 years. His hair was sticking up a bit due to him sleeping, as he looked at you with his sleepy eyes.

"Why are you awake so early?" He half signed back due to him being half asleep.

You turned to the clock on the nightstand only for it to say 7:05 am.

"It's 7:05 am, you have a schedule with the boys today and you are needed at the office at 8:30 am." You reminded him. You then got up and grabbed his implant off of the dresser and handed it to him so he could get up and get ready for the day.

He sat up in the bed, the fuzzy blanket falling off of him as he gently took the implant out of your hand and positioned it behind his ear on the left side of his head. Then he turned to you and grinned before he got up out of the bed to go and get ready.

"You are too good to me, you make sure I get up in the mornings, and make sure I eat some breakfast before I head off for the day. One day I will marry you, then you will get to be Mrs. Lee." He replied cheekily before giving you a kiss on the cheek and walking over to his dresser to grab his clothes and then headed into the bathroom..

You just rolled my eyes all while smiling at him with slightly red cheeks. You went over to your dresser and picked out what you were wearing for the day which was a pair of black pants, with a black T-shirt, and decided to snag one of his warm sweaters as it was a little cold outside.

"Sometimes I can't stand you, the way you make me blush easily, and get all flustered. You always know what to say to get me like that. But I hope you don't ever change cause I love you for the way you are and how you treat me." You responded back to him sweetly while walking over to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before you went to make him a big bowl of fruit.

After a few minutes, he walks out the bathroom and to the kitchen where you're cutting up a bunch of fruit while drinking some coffee.

"Will you be joining me today or will you be going to KQ to work on some songs? I'm sure the boys would love to see you as well." He asked you while sitting at the counter to start eating his breakfast and drinking some orange juice after it was handed to him.

You weighed the pros and cons carefully in your head for a few minutes while moving to get your own bowl of fruit.

Pros: 1. You get to spend time with Chanyeon and the boys, and 2. You get to see all their hard work they have been putting in lately.

Con: 1. You don't work on the song that is due next week, and 2. You don't get to spend any time with the boys.

After weighing it carefully in my head, you turned to look at Chanyeon and responded back with:

"I can show up around noon with lunch for you 3 and I can bring my computer and headphones. That way I can spend time near you 3 and I can get some of the song completed. It's 2 birds with 1 stone. Only if that is okay with you?". You responded back to him while picking the dirty plates and heading to wash them in the sink.

While your back is turned you hear him get up and walk over to you. He grabs your waist and spins you around so you're facing him and rests his hands on the counter behind you effectively trapping you in between his arms.

"You know I won't mind. I always like to spend time with my cute and adorable girlfriend." He told you all while staring down at you with his big brown puppy eyes.

"Well since we have our plans set in place you need to head in now as it's now 7:40. I will come around 12:30 after I head into my office for a couple of hours and have a meeting with ATEEZ, then I will pick up some lunch that way you 3 can eat while I get some more work done." You told him while looking down at the time on your black smartwatch.

" Alright, alright I'll go ahead over there. Do not work yourself too hard, and say hi to the boys for me if you don't mind. Could you also do me a favor and ask Hongjoong if he or one of the members could do a TikTok with me for the Glow challenge?" He asks you loudly by the front door so you could hear him since you were in the kitchen cleaning up.

You walk out of the kitchen drying my hands on a towel and grab his bag that was sitting on the couch and wait to hand it to him as he is putting his blank and white converse on.

"You are too cute, but yes i will ask him if one of them can do it, i'm sure they won't mind as they have a somewhat light schedule today but i will ask and will let you boys know. Make sure to stay hydrated and don't work too hard. I know you like to excel and make sure everything is perfect but don't forget to take breaks. If I hear from Jiseok or Hyunjin that you are working yourself to death, then you will be sleeping on the couch for the rest of the week." You told him while holding your hands on your hips and staring him down.

"Yes ma'am you know i will take breaks, I have to be a good role model for the boys. But anyway I need to head out or I will be late and we both know I hate to be late." He told me while opening up the door to leave. He gives you a quick kiss on the cheek and then shuts the door.

You start to head back into the kitchen so you could clean it before you have to leave only to hear the door being unlocked. You turned back around to see if he forgot something only for him to stick his hand in the door with a sign he always tells you.

"I love you." He signs to you before shutting the door again and running down the hall as he was running a couple of minutes late.

You just smiled and got out your phone to send him a quick text saying that you loved him as well.Then you headed back into the kitchen to finish cleaning.

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