Jiseok gets protective (Edited)

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You were at the gym lifting weights with your boyfriend of 6 months, Jiseok. He was using the pull-up bar on the other side of the gym while you were using the dumbbells. As you were grabbing another bell to work on your biceps, a guy that looked to be in his late 20s, came up to you and started to flirt. You tried to catch Jiseok's eyes so he would come over but he was occupied with his workout.

"Need any help, sweetheart? The name is Haneul by the way." Haneul stated while looking you up and down with no shame at all. You were instantly creeped out and tried to get him to leave.

"No thank you, I can handle them just fine." You shyly state as you are looking down while shuffling your feet, wishing you could cover up with a shirt.

"Come on, I can show you what I can do if you let me." He tells you while moving to grab your hand. By now Jiseok gets a bad feeling and looks in your direction to see you looking down at the floor with a guy grabbing your hand. He instantly abandons his workout and quickly heads to you.

"Can I help you with something?" Jiseok asks Haneul while grabbing his wrist that was holding your hand and pushing it away. He then moves in front of you to block the guy from looking at you as if you were uncomfortable.

"I was just asking the girl if she needed any help. What's it to you?" Haneul asks with a sneer, slightly mad that this guy pushed himself into the conversation.

"What's it to me?" Jiseok states angrily, "This is MY girlfriend, why don't you leave her alone".

"No way she can be yours. You are just saying that so I'll leave her alone. Bad news man, when I see something I like, I always get it. So just step out of my way." Haneul tells Jiseok while moving to grab you again to pull you away. Jiseok interferes by blocking him and wrapping his left arm behind him to pull you close to him. You just bury your head into his shirt, tears in your eyes, hoping that the creep leaves you 2 alone. You tug at the back of his shirt, and he looks over his shoulder at you tearing up.

"Can we just go, please? I want to leave." You quietly tell your boyfriend. He may be slightly cold but his heart instantly breaks seeing you trying to not cry. He turns around, grabs your hand, and starts to leave until the guy stops him.

"You aren't going anywhere buddy, not after you mouthed off to me." Haneul angrily states while clenching his fist. JIseok just looks at him and says to him with a straight face.

"You can't stop me from leaving, you are terrifying my girlfriend, and I don't like that," Jiseok tells Haneul while directing you out the double doors of the gym.

Once they get to an alley, he sets his hand right behind your head and hugs you to his chest. You just tightly grip on him, while your tears stain his white shirt.

"I was so scared, I didn't know what to do." You cried into his chest. He just stands there not sure what to say to you. He just hugs you tighter, resting his chin on the top of your head.

"I'm sorry, I should've noticed sooner. If I did then he wouldn't have put his hands on you." He quietly tells you.

You sniffed and pulled away from the hug to look up at him, and he looked down at you.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you better next time. No one will lay a hand on you." He tells you, then he leaned down to wipe your tears and then kissed you on the forehead.

"Can we go back to the dorm and cuddle, please? I just want us to be alone." You quietly tell him, while rubbing your eyes. He just nods his head, grabs your hand, and gently pulls you out of the alley to start walking back to the dorm


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