Weight loss.

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  It was just regular toast without toppings or seasoning so it was easier to eat without nausea. I ate the whole piece of toast before immediately getting in my wheelchair and going to the bathroom. My nurse walked in to me vomiting and held my hair. "Has this been happening?". I nodded. I sat against the wall while she wiped the vomit off my face. "I am gonna get your weight once your all cleaned up. Okay?" She asked. I nodded with tears rolling down my face. She grabbed a cup of water for me to rinse my mouth out with. She helped me into my wheelchair to bring me to a scale. "I'm gonna help you on. Just hold onto my shoulders, your hips should hold your weight at this point. " she assured. She then did as she said, "108.7. You have lost two pounds.". I nodded as she rolled me back into my room.
    I sat there and read until Izy was back. She had the school work I've been missing out on. Thank god, they gave me a study guide before finals. I began doing my work for a few minutes before my nurse walked in carrying a tube and some other supplies. "Mckenna, we got your guardians permission to give you an NJ tube. Would you like me to show you how they work or just go straight to it?" she said gently. "Will it hurt?" I asked. "The insertion may feel weird but that's all." She reassured. "Then that's fine." I responded. "Any questions or requests?" She asked. "What do you mean by insertion?" I questioned. "Well basically it's a tube we out in your nose and into your stomach to help you get nuitrituon. You'll have it taped onto your face and it'll be attached to a bag with, well basically your meals." she described.
    "As long as it doesn't hurt, that's fine." I responded. She started the insertion, it was really uncomfortable but I got through it. Inevitably I was gonna have to eat through a tube until my body could learn to digest, if it learns to digest.

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