
19 2 0

June, 2008


after returning from the case in New York, Abby was absolutely exhausted.

dealing with a terrorist attack, Hotch being injured due to an explosion, and multiple New York agents dying in the process, Abby was ready for a few days off.

during one of her last days off, she stood in line at the coffee shop by her apartment, when her phone started ringing.

"hey, JJ." Abby answered, already knowing what this was about. "hey, Abs. i'm sorry to do this, i know it's your day off, and we just got back, but we have a case." JJ stated, and Abby just sighed.

"if i bring coffee for everyone, can i be late?" Abby questioned, as she stepped up to the counter. "i'll tell Hotch." JJ replied, before hanging up the phone.

Abby ordered everyone's coffee, and then made her way to the office. after balancing coffee trays on her arm, she was pushing the door to the round table room open.

"victimology and signature match a serial killer from the same town 10 years ago- 6 victims spanning over 10 months. he called himself-" JJ says as Abby walked in the room.

"the Angel Maker." Abby finished her sentence, closing the door with her foot, "my mom consulted on that case. i'm sure you remember Hotch."

"nice of you to grace us with your presence, AG." Morgan teased, as Abby started to pass out the coffee. "be nice, or i'll drink your coffee." she smirked, handing Emily her cup.

"is this from the place by your apartment?" Emily asked with a smile. "it is." Abby nodded, before making her way over to Rossi.

"that place always makes the best coffee." Rossi states, as Abby hands him his cup of black coffee. "it really does." Emily agrees, bringing her cup up to her lips.

"let's focus." Hotch demands, and everyone just nods. Abby hands him his cup with a small smile, and she thinks she sees a little smile on his lips as well.

after handing JJ and Morgan their coffee she takes her seat next to Spencer. "for you." she whispers, as she hands him his coffee, that she made sure they filled with just the right amount of sugar.

"thank you." he smiles, passing Abby her case file, "i can fill you in on what you missed, if you want." "that'd be great. thanks." Abby nodded, before turning her attention back to the discussion at hand.

Abby furrowed her brow, before turning back to Spencer, and raking her eyes over his face. Spencer frowned, as Abby looked him over.

"do i have something on my face?" he questioned, wiping his hand over his lips in a panic. "you cut your hair." Abby smiled, and Spencer let out a deep breath.

"yeah. yeah, i did." Spencer nodded, running a hand through his hair. "it looks nice. i like it." Abby grinned, making Spencer smile. "i felt as though-" Spencer started to rant.

"Reid. Heartwell." Hotch's voice called, making their eyes go wide. they both went red, before turning their attention back to the case.

this was typical of Abby and Spencer. the two were pretty much best friends, and were constantly talking about things that didn't relate to work, when they should be paying attention to the case.

Every Man Gets His Wish, Spencer Reid Where stories live. Discover now