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Spencer walked into the office this morning with his goofy smile on his face, an extra coffee in hand, and a gift in his messenger bag. he scanned the area as he walked towards the blonde, and noticed the lack of their co-workers and nosey friends.

"happy birthday." he leaned down and whispered into Abby's ear, placing the cup of coffee in front of her. "thank you." she whispered, and Spencer could practically hear the smile in her voice. of course, she turned to look at him, and he could see the bright smile she wore on her face.

Abby didn't love her birthday, so she never reminded anyone about it. but, she could always rely on a call from her mother, and a hushed 'happy birthday' from Spencer when no one was paying attention.

"i have a gift for you." he said quietly, taking off his bag and putting it on his desk. "Spencer, i told you-" Abby tried to protest. "you don't want a gift this year, i know, but i had too." Spencer cut the blonde off.

Abby just rolled her eyes, as Spencer pulled a small gift bag out of his messenger bag. "Abby, could you help me look for a file down in records?" Spencer asked loudly. "yes, i can." Abby smiled with a nod.

Spencer didn't want anyone seeing Abby open her gift, and then have them realize they forgot her birthday. cause they didn't forget, Abby just didn't tell them.

Abby and Spencer scurried into the back corner of the records room, all while laughing. Abby hopped up onto a table that was back there, and sat so her and Spencer were eye level.

"okay, here you go." Spencer grinned, handing Abby the small brown bag. "thank you." she smiled, tucking a stand of hair behind her ear, before pulling the tissue paper out of the bag.

she pulled out a purple sweater. one she remembered Spencer wearing the week before. "is this yours?" Abby asked, bringing it up to her noes, and inhaling. it smelled like him. "yeah." he nodded, looking into the girls blue eyes, "but, that's not all."

"okay." Abby nodded, placing the sweater in her lap. she then pulled out an object wrapped in brown paper, with purple twine wrapped around it, with a bow on the front in the same twine.

Abby carefully untied the ribbon, placing it to the side, and then unwrapping the brown paper. as she did so, she revealed the white cover of a book, the plastic cover missing.

when she flipped it over, she noticed the signature.

Shel Silverstein.

she turned it to the side and read the spine.

Where the Sidewalk Ends.

Abby just ran her finger over the edge as Spencer spoke, "it's a first edition, and obviously you saw it's signed." "Spencer." Abby mumbled, opening the book.

Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein was a book full of poems for children.

they were all about growing up.

"i highlighted a few poems in it. just ones that made me think of you. i put the highlighter i used in the bag, cause i'm sure you want to use the same color to keep it all cohesive." Spencer told her, and she looked in the bag.

Every Man Gets His Wish, Spencer Reid Where stories live. Discover now