Chapter Five: Speeding Hearts Part 1

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Devano Huang lived a life of quiet normalcy. A freshman in the Visual Communication Design department, he was an introverted beauty whose shyness only added to his mystique. Devano was the silent type, a person of few words, and yet, somehow, people gravitated towards him. He wasn't just a pretty face—his design talent was evident to anyone who saw his work.
Life at the university was straightforward for Devano. His mornings were filled with classes, his afternoons with projects, and his evenings with his family. Devano's family, the Huangs, were an eclectic mix of personalities and talents.

Johnny Huang, the eldest, was a senior in the Civil Engineering department and was known for his strict demeanor and leadership skills. He ruled his department with an iron fist and was respected and feared equally. Devano often felt like he was walking on eggshells around Johnny, although he knew deep down that his brother loved him fiercely.

Anthony Huang, the second brother, was a textile and fashion design sophomore. He was the family's fashion guru, with a knack for witty banter and a flair for the dramatic. Anthony was the one Devano turned to when he needed to unload his worries. Despite his seemingly carefree attitude, Anthony was always there with a listening ear and sage advice.

Then there was Orion, Devano's twin brother, a Computer Science and Technology freshman. Unlike the rest of the world, Orion knew every intricate detail of Devano's life. They shared everything, and their bond was unbreakable. Orion was Devano's confidant, his partner in crime, and his mirror in many ways.

And while Devano's family was known in certain circles, not many at the university connected the dots. The Huang brothers kept their lives relatively private, allowing Devano to navigate his academic world without the weight of family expectations overshadowing him. However, Devano's quiet life was on a collision course with chaos, and it all began on an ordinary Tuesday evening.


"Hey, Dev!" Sean Xiao's voice boomed across the courtyard, drawing more than a few curious glances. Sean was everything Devano wasn't—outgoing, loud, and always the center of attention. He was Devano's favorite senior, a fellow student in the Visual Communication Design department who had taken the shy freshman under his wing.

"Sean," Devano responded with a small smile, his voice barely above a whisper.

"You coming to the workshop tonight? Got some cool new techniques to show you," Sean said, slinging an arm around Devano's shoulders.

"Yeah, I was just on my way there," Devano replied.

As they walked together, Sean regaled Devano with stories of his latest escapades, most of which involved getting into trouble and somehow charming his way out of it. Devano listened, laughing at the right moments, appreciating the distraction from his thoughts.

They arrived at the workshop, a bustling hub of creativity and controlled chaos. Devano felt at home here, among the canvases and design tools, the smell of paint, and the hum of computers. He and Sean set to work, losing themselves in the rhythm of their craft.

Hours passed, and before they knew it, the sun had set, and the campus was quiet. Sean stretched, yawning loudly. "Alright, I'm out. Got a date with a pillow. You heading home?"

"Yeah, just going to drop by Johnny's workshop first," Devano said, packing his things.

"Alright, see you tomorrow, Dev!" Sean called out as he left.

Devano lingered longer, double-checking his work before heading into the cool evening air. The path to Johnny's workshop was dimly lit, and Devano enjoyed the peaceful walk. His mind wandered to his brothers, and the day they'd all had.

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