Chapter 11

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Jazmine Perspective
        About three day after the trip

"Somethin' ain't right," Loyal said, giving Nora a knowing look. Nora just hummed in agreement.

"I agree," she said, leaning in closer.

"What the hell are y'all talking about?" I shot back, giving them a look that said I wasn't in the mood for games.

"Nora, she thinks we're stupid," Loyal chuckled, shaking his head.

"We know that little job of yours didn't fly you out. So who did?" Nora pressed, her eyes locked on mine. I could feel the pressure mounting; I didn't need anyone digging around.

"I told y'all already, it was a work conference," I said, trying to keep my cool.

"Lie one more time," Loyal said, his tone low and menacing.

They both stared at me until I finally caved.

"Alright, fine, I lied," I admitted, throwing my hands up in defeat.

"We knew that already, dumbass. Now spill. Who was it?" Nora demanded, crossing her arms.

"Dylan," I mumbled, avoiding their gazes.

"Who?" Loyal asked, clearly lost.

"Nah, for real?" Nora said, incredulous. "I should've known."

"Nora, please—" I started to beg, but she was already grinning like she'd won a prize.

"I knew it," Nora said, laughing. She looked way too pleased with herself.

"Hold up, Nora. What you know that I don't?" Loyal asked, feeling totally left out.

"Oh, shit, I forgot to fill you in," Nora said, looking over at Loyal with a smirk.

"Hold up, let me handle this," I cut in, trying to take control of the situation.

"Ooo, let me get some of that wine you holding," Nora said, extending her hand toward Loyal. He rolled his eyes but handed over the bottle.

"Alright, spill," Loyal said, taking a swig from his own glass.

I took a deep breath, knowing I had to lay it all out now

"Over the Christmas break, I had some interactions with this girl," I mumbled, feeling my face heat up.

"Aht, aht, Jazmine, don't try to downplay it," Nora teased, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"I, uh, fucked this girl," I admitted, barely above a whisper.

"Hold up, Loyal, she's still downplaying this shit," Nora interjected, practically bursting with excitement.

I threw my hands up in defeat, smacking my lips.

"Since I'm downplaying shit, why don't you tell him, then? The fuck?" I snapped at Nora.

Nora's grin widened as she leaned in. "Gladly. Jazmine fucked A'niyah's sister, and get this—she's a whole ass stud."

I watched as Loyal's face went from confused to completely floored. His jaw practically hit the floor as he processed the revelation.

"Swear to fucking god??" Loyal shouted, completely shocked. I rolled my eyes and sank deeper into my seat, done with all the dramatics.

"God can strike me down right now if I'm lying," Nora swore, putting her hands up like she was swearing on a stack of Bibles.

"Damn, a stud? I ain't know you got down like that," Loyal said, shaking his head in disbelief.

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