Chapter 10

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Dylan Perspective

In my spare time, I find myself lost in thought. It's always been my thing—I'm usually pretty good at keeping things positive and focusing on the bright side of things. But lately, Jazmine's been on my mind 24/7. Whether it's day or night, she's constantly running circles in my head, and I can't seem to shake it.

It's wild because I've never experienced this kind of attraction before. It's intense and all-consuming, and it's got me completely hooked. I can't remember ever feeling this way about anyone. It's like she's taken over my thoughts, and I can't stop replaying moments with her, analyzing everything. It's a new feeling for me, and it's both exciting and overwhelming.

From the jump, I felt this intense pull towards her, and it's gotten to the point where I'm starting to act a bit selfish. I want her all to myself, no distractions, just us. But there's this constant question gnawing at me in the back of my mind. I keep asking myself: Am I really feeling this way because I genuinely desire her, or is this just my way of getting back at Aniyah for what she did?

It's messing with my head, making me question my own motives. I find myself caught between wanting to be with her and wondering if it's just a reaction to my past. I'm not even sure where I want things to go with her, or if I'm ready to take things to the next level. All I know is that I need to figure out what's real and what's just a reaction to my past hurt.

We were chilling in the living room, munching on Chipotle. Jazmine looked so unsatisfied with her bowl; she barely even touched it. I've picked up on something about her—she's terrible at hiding her emotions. Her face always gives away what she's really feeling, no matter how hard she tries to mask it.

"Hey, you good?" I asked, noticing she'd stopped chewing and had this look on her face. She paused, gave me a half smile, and nodded slowly. "Wanna try some of mine?" I offered, nudging my bowl towards her. She glanced at it, hesitated for a second, then gave a small, reluctant nod.

I watched as she reached over and took a bite, her expression still unsure but curious. "How's that?" I asked, trying to gauge if it was any better. She chewed thoughtfully, then shrugged a bit, she took a second to engulf the taste, "that's bomb as hell, i like yours better" she expressed.

"Here, let's switch," I said, holding my bowl out for her to take.

"What? Nah, I'm good with mine," she replied, brushing me off with a hint of a lie in her voice.

"Nah, I'm not really feeling the steak," I insisted, pushing my bowl closer to her. Jazmine looked at me, unsure. "You sure? I don't wanna be greedy," she said, still hesitant.

I gave a small hum of agreement and swapped our bowls. "It's all good, trust me."

As we were eating, Jazmine finished her bowl before I did. She picked up her phone and started scrolling through TikTok, absorbed in a short video. After a minute, she looked up and asked,"Can I ask you something?"

I nodded while still chewing my food, curious about what was on her mind. There was a pause as she seemed to gather her thoughts, her eyes darting back and forth as she considered her words. She took a sharp breath and then blurted out, "How do you feel about stud on stud?" The question came out fast, but I caught it clearly.

To be honest, I'd never really thought much about it. I've had a few encounters with other studs, but nothing had ever gone as deep or as intense as what Jazz and I were getting into. I shrugged, swallowing my food and giving her a thoughtful look. "I haven't really given it a lot of thought," I admitted. "I've had my fair share of flings with other studs before. To me, it's not really about titles. It's just two females connecting and vibing with each other, doing what feels right."

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