Chapter 3

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A few days after Draco had went looking, Molly entered the room, tear streaked face and no expressions, she came over to him, "Harry, I have some rather bad news," he sat up, "Hermione, she- Harry, when Draco come's in- he didn't do it Harry," Draco then entered, covered in blood, face expressionless, "Harry, I am so, so sorry, I- I couldn't-" he fell to his knee's sobbing, "I couldn't save her, I'm sorry, she- she was- She can be with Sirius now, and all the others," Harry's eyes widened, "Hermione is dead, where's Ron? Are you alright Draco?" Draco looked up from his hands, "Ron is in the waiting room, only one of us could come at a time, and I am fine, but I'm so sorry." Harry sat up, "Hey, its okay, she's in a better place now," he said, tearing up, Draco shook his head, "I st-still couldn't kill him Harry, he is still out there, and it's my fault." Harry rubbed Draco's back, "I'm sure it wasn't your faul-" Draco shot up and yelled, "It is! I made her go first so I didn't die!" Harry covered his face with his arms, expecting a blow, "Draco stop!" Harry began to cry, "Y-you were only- I asked you to do that, if it's anyone's fault it's mine, now please, stop yelling Draco." Draco looked at Harry who was trembling, then to Molly who was in the corner with a look of shock on her face, "I- bye Harry," and he left, Harry continued crying, "I fucked up," Ginny came over, "No you didn't, he's just tense, you didn't see what happened, Ron told Molly who told me, it was awful, you would react the same. We all would," he sniffed and wiped his face, "I was gonna tell him. Now I don't think I can"

 Ginny then rubbed his back to which he flinched and shrunk down, she removed her hand, "I'm sorry Harry, nothings gonna happen to you, I shouldn't have-" Harry grabbed her hand, "No, don't be, I'm fine, I just- I just want him to know I love him, is that too much to ask?" Draco then walked in with Ron and looked Harry dead in the eyes, "Y-you what Potter?" Harry's face went blood red and he looked at Ginny, she was no help of course, at least not in the way Harry wanted it, she spat out, "He likes you little prat!" Draco stared at Harry for a moment before speaking, "Harry, is this- is this true?" Harry's face got more red by the second, "Possibly, but only if you feel the same, otherwise this never happened and we can hate each other again." Draco's face filled with a grin and he walked over to the bedside chair, "I never really hated you Harry, I was just forced to by my- by the others," he trailed off, "But I do feel the same, I just don't want to move to quickly, seeing as you are still hospitalized," Harry laughed, "Yes, I understand that, speaking of, did they say when I can be discharged? Hermione was keeping track of that and well, we're going to need someone else to now." Draco interlocked his fingers and spoke, "I can go ask the healers, I'll be right back." 

Draco then came back with papers and a quill, "Harry, you need to answer these truthfully, okay?" Harry nodded and Draco began to ask the questions, "Do you feel safe with whom you are in the room with?" Harry nodded, "Of course," Draco then continued, "Do you feel endangered in any situation you should face on your journey home and forward?" Harry paused, "Sort of, considering Lucius is loose," Draco scribbled down what Harry had said. After a long while of questions and answers, Draco left the room to return the papers, Ron then spoke, "You're gay?" Harry had almost forgotten about Ron, and how he was a huge homophobic person, "Please don't be mad, but yes, and I've liked Draco for a long while now," Ron's face was tense as he turned to his sister, "But, isn't he dating you?" She too, knew how he would react, so she calmly explained, "So you see, I broke up with him so he could be happy, and he is. So just leave it as your best mate is happy." Draco then came in and felt the tension, "Weasel, you right?" Ron looked at Draco with disgust on his face, "I'll talk to you later, Harry." He nodded at Draco and stormed out. Draco looked to the others, "What did I say?" Ginny forced a chuckle, but Draco ignored that and turned his attention to the sad look on Harry's face, "What happened Harry?" He looked up with tears in his eyes, "God damnit, I've been friends with him for years and just because he's a homophobic, all those years are down the drain!" He rest his head on his knees and Draco came over, "Hey, its okay baby, he'll soon see that its all for the better," Draco rest his hand around Harry's back and Harry punched him in the shoulder, "Oh my Merlin Draco I am so sorry! I swear I didn't mean to I promise! Please don't be mad!" Draco held his shoulder and looked at Harry, he looked like a helpless puppy, "No no no, shhhh, its okay, that was my fault, you're fine, I'm not mad baby, calm down," He sat back down next to Harry who was sobbing, "I-I knew it was you and I- I punched you, I'm s-sorry Draco, I thought you were Lucius!" He continued to cry and mumble, Draco felt his heart tear, He thought I was going to hurt him. I would- never hurt him. He thought I was Lucius? Oh my gods I'll kill that son of a- 

"You're okay, nothings going to hurt you, you're safe, and I am not mad, I accept your apologies, please stop crying baby," Harry sniffed, "Dray, I just wanna go home, is that so bad? Its not my fault I can't be normal! They should just let me leave!" Harry then half leapt onto Draco crying, "Hey, can I mess with your hair to calm you?" Harry nodded and closed his eyes. Draco began to stroke Harry's hair and sing softly, "Tell me why, the stars do shine. Tell me why, the ivy twines. Tell me why, the oceans blue, and then I'll tell you, just why I, love you. Because God made, the stars to shine. Because God made, the ivy twine. Because God made, the oceans blue, because God made you, that's why I love you." Draco continued humming until Harry was calm, then Harry looked up into Draco's icy grey eyes, "Tell me why the stars do shine, tell me why the ivy twines because God made the sky's so blue Because God made you, that's why I love you. I do believe that God above Crated you for me to love. He picked you out from all the rest because He know I'd love you the best."

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