Chapter 4

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Harry sniffed, "Mione used to sing that to me, when we were hunting the horcruxes, to calm me down. How do you know it?" Draco continued to play with Harry's hair, "Mother would sing it to me, after father beat her and I, she'd sing it to get me to sleep, and to stop her from crying," Harry reached for Draco's hand, "I'm sorry Dray, that must've been awful," Draco cleared his throat, "But its alright now, mother is living in a safe house with some aunts of mine, hiding from Lucius and other, still rebellious, Death Eaters." Harry ran his thumb across Draco's hand, "What did he hit you with?" He knew it was personal but he had to know, Draco looked at Harry's scar, "Anything, the closest thing to his hand, weather that be a pillow or a table leg, anything, or spells he used a lot of those, that's also how he got me to, well," he paused, "I'd like to leave it there darling, is that alright?" Harry frowned, "Yes that's alright, my uncle Vernon hit me with frying pans to belts, and everything in between. Once, Dudley broke a swing at the park and he blamed it on me, Vernon used the chain of the swing to, 'teach me a lesson' about 'respect for public property' " Draco tightened his hand around Harry's, "That's terrible, did he ever get sent to Azkaban? Oh, he's a muggle, nevermind. Did he get in trouble?" Harry shook his head and let his eyes well with tears, "He never did," Draco continued to hold Harry's hand and hum the song he had sung.

Ginny came over and tapped Draco on the shoulder, then motioned for him to come outside, "Harry can leave, but he'll have to attend therapy Monday and Thursday until further notice. He'll also be getting a PTSD trained animal. Said animal can help Harry if a situation gets to rough, or if he has a panic attack." Draco grinned, "Okay, when can Harry know?" Ginny looked at the door, "Once you wanna let him know." Draco practically leapt for the door handle, "Harry!" He softly yelled, Harry turned his attention to Draco and smiled, "What is it?" Draco ran over and grabbed Harry's hands, "Under circumstances, you can come home!" He half smiled, "What circumstances?" Draco huffed, "You have to go to therapy Monday and Thursday, and get a service animal, that's it." Harry frowned, "Therapy?! I don't need therapy!" Draco made a sad face, "Baby, yes you do," Harry puffed up, "Prove it, right now," Draco frowned, "Baby-" Harry got louder, "Prove it!" Draco stood up, walked away, then ran back and touched his palm to Harry's back, "Stop!" Harry screamed, he looked up, "You're, so mean. I don't want therapy," Draco removed his hand and sat down, "Im sorry darling, but you have to, its for the best, and if it makes you feel any better I can go with you." Harry looked at Ginny and Molly, then back to Draco, "What kind of animal?" Ginny shrugged, "Whatever animal you want, they have loads trained." Harry grinned, "Draco, lets go see what animals they have, please." 

Once at the department, Harry walked in and squealed, "I have to pick one?" He said in a whiny tone, "Yes love, just one," Harry walked about for a minute before landing at a Bernese Mountain Dog, "Dray, I need him! Look at him! He's so precious." The dog wagged his tail at the sight of a human, the department owner then came over, "You sure you want that one? He's a handful, been returned a couple times." Harry nodded, he grabbed for Draco's hand, hoping he would get the hint. Which he did, "Yes sir, we would like this dog, what's his name?" The owner laughed, "He's been returned so many times he don't got a name," Harry then spoke, "Alpine," the dog crooked his head and wagged his tail, "Alpine, you're a good boy! Yous a goodest boy isn't you?!" The dog barked and jumped, "Yes, Alpine is mine," the owner rolled his eyes, "What's the name?" Draco answered, "Harry Potter." the owner perked his eyebrows at this and scribbled down an adoption paper, "He's yours Mr. Potter, have a nice day," Harry then hooked a rope leash loosely around Alpines neck and walked out. "Draco, do you have money on you? I promise I'll pay you back but I want to get Alpine some things. Please?" Draco reached for Harry's hand and took it in hus own, "Look love, you don't have to pay me back, I love both of you and I will willingly spend my money on you" Harry smiled, "Thank you. Can we also stop at the Cafè up here please?" Draco laughed, sure thing Harry," 

Once at the cafè, Draco saw a sign on the window, 'No Service to Death Eaters' he huffed, "you guys can go ahead in, I'll window shop for now." At first, Harry didn't understand why, but then he read the sign, "People suck, its been how long since the war? And people are still denying changed men and women a cup of coffee! This is outrageous, give me two seconds Dray." Harry walked in and faced the owner All Draco could hear was muffled screaming and yelling, and glass break, then silence. "Harry!" He screamed bursting in, when he did, he saw the owner scramble in the corner and Harry break another cup, "These are changed people!" Was the last thing Harry said before placing two gold coins on the counter and storming out. The owner looked at Draco and then the coffee machine, "No thank you sir, my partner is just, scrambled, I can pay for any damage he has caused" the owner sighed then spoke in a rough english accent, "No, this should cover it, but I will take his advice," he walked over and tore the paper off the window, "Now, he should be in a better mood," Draco smiled, "Thank you sir," and the two shook hands.

Draco then went searching for Harry when he heard Alpine barking, Draco walked a bit faster because this was not the happy barking he heard in the shop. He had neared the sound when it stopped, "Harry?" Draco asked, "Alpine? Here boy," Alpine ran around the corner and whimpered in the direction he came from, "What is it boy? Where's our Harry?" He followed the dog around the corner to a bench where Harry lay unconscious, "Harry- Alpine, what happened boy? Can you show me?" Alpine sniffed around and found a piece of white hair, the same as Draco's, but longer, "Lucius? He was here?" Alpine sat, and Draco took that as a yes, "Harry, is he okay?" Alpine walked over and sniffed the boy, then let out a whiny bark.

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