Chapter 5

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A moment went by of Draco praying Harry would be okay, just when he was about to get help, Harry fluttered his eyes open, then shut them again, "Dr-" he began to murmur, "Yes baby, I'm right here with Alpine, you're okay, your safe now," Harry let out a soft sigh, "Lucius- here, scared," Draco began to hum then sing, "Tell me why, the stars do shine. Tell me why, the ivy twines. Tell me why, the oceans blue, and then I'll tell you, just why I, love you. Because God made, the stars to shine. Because God made, the ivy twine. Because God made, the oceans blue, because God made you, that's why I love you," Harry hummed the rest, "Can we go to my house now please?" Harry asked, Draco nodded, "Yes, you just have to show me the way," Harry sat up, "He hexed me, from over there," Draco tilted his head, "Lucius?" Harry nodded, "He just stood in that corner and stared at me, then, he hexed me." Draco hugged Harry, "I was scared too baby, I thought you were hurt, Alpine was barking, and I was terrified something had happened to you," Harry hugged Draco back, "I'm sorry I ran out of the cafè, from now on, I'm staying with you," Draco sighed, "I don't want you to feel like you have to stay with me, you can if you want, but I want to give you back the freedom you lost while you were recovering. Does that make sense?" Harry pulled back, "Yes, but I think I'll just stick around you for a while." 

After they had walked a bit, Harry noticed a pet store and immediately begged Draco to go, "Please! After this we can go straight to my house! I just want to get Alpine some things! Please!" Draco smiled, "Fine, but after this, straight home," they walked in and Harry dashed for the collars, "Ooh, I think, I think red is your color Alpine, oh! And this green leash! Oh you're such a handsome boy isn't you Alpine, isn't you." Draco rolled his eyes jokingly, "What about a black bed? It would go nicely dont you think?" Harry nodded, "And silver bowls! And at least two chew toys, ooh!" He dashed over to the toy aisle, "This wand, and, and this ball, what do you think?" Draco nodded and got the bed. They then paid and went to Harry's home, the Grimuald place.

"You wanna, stay a while Draco?" Draco placed the bed in a corner, "Sure, why not. This place is really nice, Harry." Harry chuckled, "Yes, Sirius kept it nice." Draco immediately put the trophy he had in hand back on the shelf and put his hands in his pockets, "Sirius Black? He owned this place?" Harry nodded, "Why? Are you- you know he died right? You really can't do anything to piss him off." Draco shook his head, "I knew he was dead, just, not that you were, living here." Harry tilted his head in confusion, "Were you, afraid of him?" Draco darted his eyes, "No, just- I didn't know he had owned this place." Harry giggled, "Sure, I'll let you believe that." Draco smirked, "How is living here anyways?" Harry thought, "Lonely really, I don't really like it here." Draco frowned, "Its not going to be lonely now, you have Alpine and me here." Harry smiled, "Yeah, yeah I do, don't I?" Alpine wagged his tail and yipped.

The next morning, Harry woke up in his bed laying next to Draco who was staring at him, "Good morning handsome." Draco said, Harry ruffled his eyebrows, "Handsome? I was hoping for sexy, oh well." He laughed, "How long have you been awake?" Draco looked out the window, "Since the sun rose, why?" Harry tilted his head "Why? You need sleep too." Draco giggled, "No its okay, I've done it for as long as I can remember. It was the only peaceful time at the Manor. But here I may actually sleep, speaking of sleep, did you have any nightmares? You were squirming all over last night." Harry thought, "One, but it's fine, doesn't matter anyways." Draco placed his hand on Harry's, "Tell me, what was it?" He asked, Harry looked down at Draco's ring, "Well, I was in the Forbidden Forest with Hermione and we found an additional horcrux, it was a mushroom creature. Hermione stepped closer to kill it but it screeched and grew ten times its original size, it then grew arms and before I knew it... It had ripped her in two," he trailed off, Draco felt awful, "Oh baby, I'm sorry, that must've really scared you." Harry shook his head, "Speaking of Hermione, if I may ask, how did she die?" Draco sharply exhaled, "I knew you'd ask that. After we left, I told Hermione and Ron what you told me, "Don't get yourself killed" she looked at me, as though you had told her the same before, we talked for a bit and then we found him, he looked at me and yelled, "Son, get over here and away from that," he paused, "I'm going to say it but know that I mean no disrespect when I do, "Filthy mudblood bitch!" I was upset that he called her that and I cast AK at him but he disarmed me and the spell didn't work, he then pointed his wand at me and began to say the AK curse, once the light left his wand, she jumped in front of me and the curse tore her in- it tore her in two... I have no clue what he did to make the curse do that but it will haunt me till I die. That witch died for me, so I could be with you." Harry pulled Draco into a semi hug and let tears fall, "I knew she would die for me, just not like that. I'm sorry you had to witness it first hand Dray, it must've been terrible." He nodded, "It's all okay though, she's with Sirius, Lily, James, Tonks, Remus, and the others." Harry rest his head on Draco's chest while he said a silent prayer that they were all together, looking down on him and smiling. 

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