Chapter 1

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That's what he was. Lying on the ground, hexed, bruised, and all around broken. "Father," Draco said, lowering his wand, teary eyed, "I-I think that's enough for now, he may talk-" he really didn't want to harm Harry Potter, his father was forcing him too. Lucius wanted the elder wand and would get it any way he could. "Very well, Draco, take him to the dungeon and make him talk, we need to find where he put that wand!" Draco picked Harry up by the arms and took him to the dungeon as directed. "Harry, I am so sorry, just tell him where the damn wand is! I hate hurting you," Harry weakly pushed Draco away, "I- I threw it off the bridge! At Hogwarts, and don't you dare lie to me, you love causing me harm." These last words are what led Draco to his next action, kissing Harry directly on the lips. Once he pulled back, he noticed he was crying, "Harry, please, I-" Lucius screamed down the stairs, "Has he said anything yet?!" Draco watched as fear grew in the once courageous man before him, "Yes! He said he threw it off the bridge at Hogwarts!" Harry then fell to the ground, unconscious. "I am going to Hogwarts then! Guard the house, I should be back in about two days time!" And with that, Lucius left, "Harry! Ha- Harry, wake up, please, I- I didn't kill you, I know it! Please!" He shook the pale boy for what seemed like hours, and just as he thought all hope was lost, Harry mumbled, "You have pretty eyes," Draco chuckled, "Thank Merlin I didn't-" Harry winced and held his left side in pain, "When your father threw me into that staircase, I think he cracked a few ribs, can we get to the Weasley's from here?" Draco looked unsure, rebelling against my father, he could kill both of us if he found out, but we'll have the Weasley's as protection, and he'll have me too, but they hate me, but I'm saving Harry, and he's hurt, "Okay, let's go, quickly, we can floo there from the kitchen, can you walk?" Harry shook his head, Draco then picked him up bridal style and took thim the the kitchen, "Weasley residence" and poof, they were on the flat.

 Ron immediately put a wand to Draco's throat as Ginny took Harry, "What have you done to him Malfoy!" Ron screamed, Draco threw his own wand on the ground and put his hands in the air, "I- my father, he- Harry broke at least four ribs, and possibly has a concussion, please help him Weaslette" he said these last words crying, Ginny took Harry into the house while Ron continued to slowly drive the wand closer to Draco's windpipe, "What did you do, Malfoy." Draco wanted to fall on the ground as the Weasley killed him, but he answered the question, "My father, he made me preform the Crutatious Curse and many more on Harry, after he threw him into the stairs multiple times and knocking him unconscious, all he wants is the elder wand," Ron didn't know to believe a word that came out of his mouth, "So you- you hurt him, then brought him here?" Draco looked down at the ground, "It was his idea, my father went to get the elder wand from, Hogwarts! My father is going to Hogwarts! This could end very badly, like, really badly, we have to get to Hogwarts and warn headmistress McGonagall, please believe me Weasley, he will kill," Ron was shocked by the fact Malfoy wanted to save Hogwarts, and Harry, and the students, "Okay, Malfoy, once Ginny gets Harry the potions he needs he should be good to go, but I will keep my eye on you." Then the two went inside and warned the rest of the clan, "Ginny," Harry spoke stronger now, "Get me those potions, now, Lucius will kill anyone who gets in his way, we need to go," Ginny did as told and got the strongest potions she had on hand, "These are Three Hour Saviors, they can work within, well, three hours, can we wait that long?" She looked at Draco with a look of fear and confusion, "Yes, we don't want to rush the healing process, he's hurt enough," Ginny nodded and gave Harry the potion, "Draco, what does your father plan on using that wand for? Maybe then we can work out a-" Draco immediately implied, "He plans on killing you. Just like the Dark Lord wanted." Harry's face filled with solemn, "Then, what's the plan?" He asked, Ron answered, "Mate, you're the one who always has a plan," Hermione chimed in, "Aside from me but I have no plan, Malfoy, what about you?" He looked at them, then at Harry, and after a few moments he blurted, "We kill Lucius before he can touch a hair on your head." The four were taken aback by the fact Draco wanted to kill his own father, "I thought you were a daddy's boy, Malfoy" Ron said jokingly, which earned him an elbow to the stomach from Hermione, "Alright, now we rest, he'll put up quite a fight." And the five went to their sleeping quarters. 

In the middle of the night, Harry was jolted awake by the sound of a closing door, "Who- whos there? Lucius, I will kill you, leave, now!" Draco emerged from the darkness into the moonlight with his hands raised and his wand tucked in his holster, "Draco, not Lucius, I'm not going to kill you, I already almost did that," Harry immediately lowered his wand, "What were you doing outside? It's cold out" Draco pulled his sleeve further down his left arm, "Just, going for a walk, that's all, the moon's pretty," Harry nodded, Draco sat beside him, "I really am sorry, I could've killed you. If I would've just, not listened-" Harry interrupted, "You'd be dead too, both of us would, you did the smart thing, whether you killed me or not you were keeping your own life, that's all that matters in moment's like those. And don't worry, I forgave you before it happened." Draco looked up at Harry, tears rolling down his face, "How can you forgive me? I nearly killed you! And you accept my piss poor apology?" Harry then pressed Draco's hand to his lips, "Yes, because I can tell you mean it, now go to bed," Draco obeyed amd went back to his own bed.

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