Chapter 31

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Sakura had woken up calmly at first. Her sight was blurry and her brain felt squished. Then, as her consciousness came back to her slowly and she was able to make out the outline of the bedroom she was in, her eyes widened and she sat up with a start. She wasn't in Sasuke's bedroom. She didn't think she was even in the house anymore.

She frowned as she studied the slight details on the stony walls and the weird looking items and appliances placed at one side of the medium sized oval shaped room.

Where am I? She moved her legs on the surprisingly fluffy bed she was on and that's when she felt a deadly jab of pain in her neck. Shocked to her nerves, she stayed put in bed and looked to her side, then she adjusted the cloth covering her shoulders and saw something imprinted in the curve of her neck. She couldn't make out what it was well so she looked around for anything she could use as a mirror and found one, built from pure marbles, sitting right infront of her on a foreign carved wooden table. She took the mirror and held it few inches from her face and that's when she could properly see her neck.

It was like a drawing, made in white silvery lines, etched in black shining surfacing. It looked like the drawing of a small pink fluffy cloud, with an uchiwa drawn on the top of it. It was a pretty design, but she wondered when she got a tattoo. As far as she could remember. She didn't have one.

The throbbing in her neck came back, bored into her spine and sent her bones crashing. With a short, labored scream she fell back to the sheets and just laid there.

What was happening to her? Why did she have a tattoo on her nape and why did it hurt so bad? She frowned at the high marbled ceiling.

"Now now, child, you shouldn't be up by now. Rest."

A weak, strained voice came from her side and she turned her head to see an old woman with unusual eye color and a younger woman with red hair and red eyes beside her, carrying a circular tray of a bowl of water and a small wet white towel, which the old woman spread carefully on her head.

Who are they?

She tried to open her mouth and speak but she found out that she couldn't. The pain must've affected her vocal cords too. She was too weak to speak. Or was the cause lack of nutrients? How long has she been out?

She couldn't ask. She could only stare at the old woman and the other standing behind her with observing eyes.

The old woman smiled and patted her hands. "You won't be able to speak until you've eaten." She told her. "You'll have to make up for the blood you've lost." Then her eyes watered a bit. "I'm just so happy you're awake. Lord Sasuke would be so glad."

Sakura's eye widened when she heard his name. Sasuke! She tried to sit up but against her will, she fell back and passed out.

But before she lost her consciousness, she heard the younger woman say something. "Tsk tsk, don't move when you don't have the strength to."

Masashi turned to her with a snap, scolding her with her gaze. "Karin!"

"She shouldn't have given up herself to be bitten. Now, look at her." Poor girl. Karin averted her eyes rebelliously.

Masashi sighed. She knew the sea goddess was just as worried when she heard that the girl was someone special. "Why did you even come?" She stated as she walked away from the sleeping girl after tucking her properly and patting the sheet.

"Um, hello?!" Karin walked after her. "You're the one who needed a double remember?" Masashi had asked her to stay in the shrine in her stead while she was away from Isekai.

The old woman grunted in reply.

"Besides, I wanted to help out in the war. I don't think the Alpha remembers."

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