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This is a page about a special ritual. This ritual is

not intended for the faint of heart. If you do not

follow the instructions carefully, your luckiest

outcome is death. You must follow this guide. I

would even suggest going step by step with this in


Have you ever wanted to talk to the evil dead? I'm

not talking about your average criminal or crook. I'm

talking about a different, more disgusting evil than

is unimaginable. Maybe you have always wanted to

ask Jeffrey Dahmer why he killed so many? Your

fascination with John Gacy may be too much to

quell easily. Maybe you're like me.

Here's what you need to do. First, do not go to

sleep tonight. Instead, wait until 11:30, and then

immediately go downstairs. You must then draw a

pentagram out of your own blood, on the wall. Do

not draw an inverted pentagram, or you risk being

taken by Satan or some other despicable entity to

hell. Draw a wiccan pentagram out of blood, and

then say, "O nequam venire ad me. Dimitte me mali

quod reconcilietur rexerat ante." Then shout the

name of the killer you wish to summon.

Drain more blood into a bowl and set it on your

porch. At this point, go back inside and wait

upstairs, out of sight. When you hear the front door

open, you must draw a magic circle on the floor and

say, "Protege me a tenebris unum." Then sit inside

the circle and wait for him to come. The killer will

be horrific. His evil soul will be visible after death

as it really was, not as he looked in life. It may be

best to close your eyes and not see the horror.

You will be free to ask him any questions you like

until 4 AM, but do not leave the circle until exactly 4


At 4 AM, he will depart suddenly, just vanishing

instantly. You will then have satisfied your cravings.

Be forewarned, the killer you summoned may return

again for the next three nights at 12 AM, and you

may have to sleep inside the circle as he whispers

the most sadistic things ever into your ear. You may

be permanently scarred by what he tells you. If

unlucky enough, you may turn into what they were.

After all, evil doesn't just start somewhere. It is

influenced by something else, or someone else.

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