Based On A True Story

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Based on the true story of Lilly Lindeström, a 32 year
old prostitute who, on May 4, 1954 was found
murdered in her small apartment in the Atlas area of
Stockholm, Sweden near Sankt Eriksplan. She had
been dead for a couple of days, her skull had been
crushed, and the detectives noticed that someone
had been drinking her blood. World known as the
Vampire Murder Case or the Atlas Vampire. Numerous
so called vampires have committed heinous crimes,
and been captured providing details of their crimes
and desires. This case remains unsolved and is
merely a speck in the long list of supposed vampire
Her name was Lilly and she lived in Stockholm,
Sweden. She stayed in a quaint, old house in the
Atlas area, and had a great life, going out almost
every night and meeting tons of interesting people all
the time. Strapped for cash, she began a part-time
job as a prostitute. She had been doing it for a few
days, and everything was going great, but on May
first, strange things started happening.
She got home late that night, and as she was groping
for the light switch in the dark, her hand brushed up
against something cold and soft near the middle of
the room. She desperately searched across the wall
for the light, but when she finally reached it, she saw
nothing there. Unnerved, she sat down on the couch
for a moment to catch her breath when suddenly an
intense, pounding headache began. She'd never had a
migraine before, but assumed this was one, and
mostly forgot about what she'd felt in the dark.
The next day she woke up feeling drained and
exhausted. The headache had mostly cleared, but
when she glanced in the mirror there was a large
bump forming on the side of her forehead. Thinking
she must have merely hit her head while asleep, she
tried not to think about it. She went out as she had
planned. She got home late again that night and,
feeling a bit fearful because of last night, found the
light as quickly as possible. Everything was going
normally, and she felt silly for still being so anxious.
She focused her attention on the television, watching
reruns and then falling asleep.
Abruptly, the headache from the night before started
up again, this time even more potent. It throbbed in
her skull, and hurt so badly she could almost taste
blood in the back of her throat. As the night wore on,
the headache didn't let up at all; in fact it got even
more overpowering. She went to go take a painkiller,
and took a sip of water, but it tasted strange, almost
metallic. She spit it out into the sink and looked at it,
horrified. Instead of the water she'd taken a sip of, a
pool of red blood was swirling down the drain.
She took a step back and probed her mouth for some
sort of cut or reasonable explanation for the blood in
the sink. Without finding one, she got increasingly
more disturbed. Swallowing, the metal taste in her
mouth subsided while her headache grew stronger. It
pushed against the backs of her eyelids, growing
more and more intense until her vision began to blur.
In the haze of the kitchen she saw what looked like a
tall, pale man standing in the middle of the room. As
he began walking toward her, she heard a woman wail
in ecstasy, but quickly the moan turned to screams of
terror and pain. Petrified, she stumbled back into the
living room and passed out on the ottoman to the
sounds of fear and agony.
Awaking the next morning, she tried to pass off the
previous night's events as a headache induced
nightmare, but barely could. It had felt so real, and
the bump on her forehead had grown in size. Wanting
to get out of the hotel room and forget, she went to
some more tourist spots, but still felt on edge, as if
someone was watching her. She got home earlier that
night, hoping to avoid another creepy experience. At
around 7:00 in the evening, she got a call from her
friend Minnie, asking to come over. Without waiting
for a response, Minnie hung up, saying she'd be right
Minnie came upstairs and knocked on the door. Lilly
let her in and they talked like old friends do, and had
been chatting for about a half an hour when the
phone rang again. Lilly answered confidently, hoping
it was a costumer for her newly thriving business. It
was a man's voice. He asked her if her name was
Lilly. Minnie said it couldn't hurt to invite him up,
and Lilly was happy to oblige. As he walked in the
door Lilly gasped. He looked almost exactly like the
hazy figure she'd seen the night before; tall and pasty
white, but he was friendly and joined in their
conversation. He'd brought some drinks, and soon
they were all feeling a little tipsy.
He said they should play a fun game of truth or dare
and, feeling like giddy teenagers again, they both
agreed it was a great idea. Soon they ended up alone
in her bedroom. A half an hour later they remembered
Minnie sitting in her living room, but as she went out
to check Minnie seemed to have let herself out. She
smiled and went back to the bedroom.
At 9:00 that night, Minnie was sure she'd be done
with that man and called her up, asking if she wanted
to go to the park with her. She didn't answer her
phone, and didn't come to the door. Minnie assumed
she wasn't quite finished with her guy, and left them
alone. The next day Minnie tried to get ahold of her
again, but to no prevail. By the next day, Minnie was
worried and called the police. The police broke into
Lilly's apartment and found her lying dead face down
on the ottoman. Her skull was bashed in and small,
even puncture wounds covered the soft pale skin on
her body. Small slices in her skin were also noted,
along with the presence of human saliva around the
cuts. The whole apartment was meticulously clean.
Lilly's clothes were neatly folded on a chair and her
bedspread was neatly made.

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