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During the night when the tainted clock strikes
twelve, there is a small, grim cemetery which holds
the local legend of a disturbing ghost. This apparition
has the appearance of a man dressed in black attire
who wanders around the cemetery weeping and
rambling indescribable madness.
Locals say he was very wealthy and a faithful
husband when he lived with his wife.
They say she was possessed by a demon and he
couldn't bear to watch her suffer any longer, so he
strangled her to death. He was so stricken by grief
and anguish that he took his own life and now
wanders all alone.
If one brave soul was to approach him and dare gain
a single bit of attention from him, they would only be
stricken with the most unbearable pain that it would
drive the person insane. He won't kill you, he just
wants you to suffer like he did.
It's also known that, if you ask him one particular
question at the right time, then if you're lucky you
will gain a huge amount of wealth and good luck, but
with some unfortunate side effects such as the
occasional nightmare. Nothing too horrific, but sadly
just enough of it might drive you mad.
Nightmares of suffering, violence, demons, and even
hell itself, but the nightmares will eventually fade
away, if you can handle them long enough. Or even
worse, they say a curse will be placed upon you that
the Demon will from time to time invade your waking
life and possibly possess you and the only way to lift
the curse is if you spill the blood of a loved one.
Now, if you want to risk it... Which I genuinely
recommend you don't, considering the sources I
gathered this information from are not totally
trustworthy, so please be responsible for your actions
and heed my warning.
When you reach the cemetery, make sure you get
there around morning time, then approach any grave
at all and drop a small amount of your own blood
onto the earth and rest there and sleep. You will
eventually be awoken by a demented, seemingly
never-ending groan. Be completely silent, as any loud
sounds will disturb the ghost. You won't be able to
see the ghost yet.
You need to follow the groans. Just be careful you
don't run into the ghost, just keep a steady pace and
control your breathing levels. You will be greeted
with a shocking chill, which is a sign you are close.
Continue on until you hear a distant weeping. You
should find the ghost kneeling in front of the grave of
his deceased wife. Ask him this very question:
"Why does love bring such pain?"
He then should reply, "But, truly, I have wept too
much! The Dawns are heartbreaking. Every moon is
atrocious and every sun bitter." He will then rise to
stare back at you with his then revealed face, which
has been described as unnaturally pale with black
veins scattered across it, bloodshot eyes with no
pupil and a toothless grin.

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