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It was the summer of 2005 in Birmingham, Alabama,
when I had just received my part time job as a pizza
delivery boy. I was excited to have my first job being
sixteen. I felt proud to make my own money instead of
begging my parents for allowance. I worked nightshift
on the weekends since I had to go to school Monday
through Friday. My job was really fun at first but then
something happened that still sends chills down my
spine to this day.
It was late Sunday night, about 10:30 PM, as I was
ready to end my shift and get ready to go home and
get some sleep before school when Javier, another
employee I've come to make friends with, recieved a
call requesting an order. The voice on the other end
was a little raspy but I was still able to hear their
"Hello, this is Dante's pizza, what can I get for you
"Yes, we would like four large pies."
"And what toppings sir?"
"Pepperoni, sausage, bacon, and human flesh,
"Haha okay sir, four large pies with pepperoni,
sausage, bacon, and human flesh."
"Sounds great."
"Alright, it should be there in about thirty minutes,
"Sounds like a party," I said to Javier.
"You know what that means," he replied. "A bigger
tip." He gave me the address and I was on my way.
It took about fifty minutes to get there with the fog
limiting my vision. It got me a little nervous since we
had a policy of your pizza being free if it took over an
hour to be delivered. And the longer it takes, the
smaller tip you'll get. As I drove on, the city became
more unrecognizable. Birmingham is the biggest city
in Alabama but I was indeed entering the more rural
part of it. My GPS led me to a dirt road leading to a
few houses. All of them had the same yellow paint,
and green painted brick roofs and were surrounded by
I walked up to the house matching the address Javier
gave me and knocked three times. There was no
response, so I knocked three more times and said I
was the pizza guy. I waited a few seconds, and a man
opened the door so quickly I jumped back in surprise,
nearly dropping the pizzas. His skin was very pale
and he was quite frail looking. Assuming he was
joking around, I heard him say, "I didn't ask for the
flesh to be living but you'll do. Come inside." It was
pretty cold outside so I gratefully accepted.
Inside there were many people, all sitting on couches
or in the kitchen who look exactly like him who all
turned to look at me with huge grins on their faces. I
could've sworn their teeth were pointed and jaggy,
like they could bite through bone no problem. The
house was pitch dark except for a fire burning. "Is
this a family reunion?" I asked.
"More like a group gathering," one said. I wondered
what they meant by a group.
Before I could ask, the one that answered the door
asked, "Why not come down to the basement with
me? I believe I left my wallet there."
After about six steps, he pushed me down into the
basement and locked the door behind him. "We'll
save you for later," he said. I was scared. What did he
mean when he said that? Do I even want to know? It
was pitch dark in the basement and smelled like
death. I kept walking along the walls searching for a
light switch.
When I finally found it, I was introduced to a
grotesque scene. A body on a table with all his limbs
removed, and half-eaten body parts scattered about
the floor. They weren't kidding about the human
I let out a scream which must have alerted the flesh
eaters, as I now call them because they swung open
the door and three came to attack me. I quickly found
a hatchet on the floor that might have been used for
hacking off limbs, and used it for defense. One of
them that got in my range ended up with a split head.
The other two were smarter and charged me at the
same time. I swung the hatchet and it ended up in
one of their hip bones, immobilizing it in one leg, but
the other tackled me to the ground, hissing in
outrage. I used my hand to keep her face away from
me. Those teeth were terrifying. I struggled to find
another weapon of some sort before she overcame
me. I turned and saw an object that appeared to be a
pocketknife near the corner of the wall. With all my
strength, I pushed the flesh eater off me and ran for
the knife with her on my tail. I grabbed it and blindly
slashed as I turned around. It ended up right in her
gut so I slashed upward hoping to hit a vital. I
apparently did because the flesh eater coughed up
blood all over my shirt and fell to the floor.
I stabbed the one with the hatchet in its hip and
regained the weapon. I put the knife in my front
pocket. I looked up to see about seven more flesh
eaters smiling, waiting. I knew I couldn't kill them all
by myself so I only had one option. Escape. With
adrenaline coursing through my body, I rushed up the
stairs screaming in fear and rage. I swung the
hatchet, which got stuck in a flesh eater's chest and
then I quickly abandoned it. I made an attempt to run
out of the house and back into my car but was quickly
tackled by the six remaining. They tore and ripped my
clothes in an attempt to eat any visible skin. I used
my hands to protect my head. With a feeling of
hopelessness, I pulled out the pocketknife and
stabbed aimlessly into the bodies of the flesh eaters.
One was killed but the others all kicked back in pain,
giving me a sliver of time to escape. I busted through
the cheap, old, wooden door and ran as fast as I
could to my car. I had never been so terrified in my
life. I wanted to just hide under my blankets like a kid
and hope all the bad things would go away. I got in
my car, locked all the doors, and tried to drive away.
The remaining flesh eaters had jumped onto my car,
latching onto handles or the roof. One fell onto my
windshield so I slammed on the brakes, sending it
sprawling off the car as well as the other ones. I ran
one over before it could recoup, but that was an awful
idea. My tire had popped when it had gone over its
head. One of its teeth nailed into it.
I quickly came to my last resort and dialed 911. I told
the operator everything that had happened and she
said the police are on their way and for me to stay
hidden. I was frozen in fear, but tried to stay hidden
in my car. I couldn't see the flesh eaters, which
scared me the most. For about twenty minutes it
stayed like that. I caught a glimpse of one in my
rearview mirror, smiling at me. I tried my best not to
scream, but I began to cry in terror.
Then I heard sirens. I was saved! I never felt so good
to hear that noise. The police cars rolled into vision,
the flesh eater had already retreated back into the
house. Perhaps that's where the others went. I ran
out to the police, thanking them for coming to help
me. I even jumped onto one of the officers and
hugged him. He laughed but shrugged me off. I told
them where the flesh eater had ran off and two
officers entered the house. I heard five gunshots, and
I asked them how many were in there, and they
responded with three. That couldn't have been right.
Five were on my car, and I ran over one, so there
should be four. I nervously told them that there
should be one left but the simply dismissed it as a
miscount. They asked me if I was hurt and I said no,
just scared, that's all. So they told me I should get
home as they further investigate this. My car was
towed and one of the officers drove me home. After
telling my parents what had happened, they cried and
hugged me. It felt good to be in the safety of my own
home. I didn't have to go to school the next week. My
parents said I should have some time to recover. It
felt good to be away from all of that but part of me
was still scared about the one that could still be out
there. It couldn't have been a miscount. I didn't tell
my parents because I didn't want to spook them. I
ended up quitting my job as a delivery boy and now
work at a local Target. Although I still am and always
will remember that day, and fear for the one that
survived is still on the loose, and maybe even
looking for me...

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