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December 11 2012
I need to write this down. I woke up in panic early
this morning. A dream, it was only a dream. But it
seemed so real. The earth shaking, a loud roar. It's all
blurry in my mind now. I sat on my bed. My alarm
clock didn't show anything. I got up and tried to turn
on the lights. Nothing. A blackout I guessed. I took
my cellphone from my dresser. It showed 3:33. I went
to the bathroom to drink a glass of water. My face
was covered in sweat, and I hadn't even realized by
then. I drank the water, went back to bed and I almost
fell asleep immediately.
It was already bright outside when I woke up. I looked
at my alarm clock. It was blinking. I totally forgot
with last night's blackout my alarm wouldn't ring this
morning. I quickly got up and looked at my cellphone
for the time. It was 10:28. I was supposed to be at
work at eight! I quickly grabbed some clothes and
hurried to the kitchen. I turned on the TV as I was
looking for food. I inserted bread in the toaster and
the television caught my attention. The news were
talking about an earthquake in Iceland of 8,7 on the
Richter scale, it was felt up to
here in Montreal near three thirty in the morning. Was
it that who woke me up? This may be why my dream
felt so real. Maybe it wasn't a dream after all. But that
roar, what was it?
The toaster ejecting my toast woke me up from my
daydreaming. I grabbed the toast as I noticed a
blinking light on my answering machine. I quietly
listened to my boss telling me it was the last time I
was late because I was fired. I didn't even react, still
shocked by the morning news and my troubling
dream. I wasn't hungry anymore. I grabbed my coat
and got out. It was a cold morning of December in
Montreal, and I shivered as I was going down the
stairs of my apartment. It already felt like winter. It
was a cloudless day, and the snow blinded me. I
walked for a while, thinking about what I learned this
morning. I wasn't even worried about my job. The
only thing on my mind was that earthquake. I guessed
it was just a coincidence and I walked back to my
apartment. The rest of the day went by normally; I
just sat in my living room, watching TV all day.
December 12 2012
Once again I woke up brutally during the night. I was
having a nightmare once again. Someone was talking
in my mind. "He woke up. He will destroy everything.
You must..." What did all of this mean? I must what? I
told myself it was all just a dream and went back to
My alarm clock woke me at seven this time. I opened
the television once again as I was eating. The news
were talking once again of the situation in Iceland.
They were talking about a group of spelunkers who
went missing after yesterday's earthquake. A rescue
team was sent, but only one of them came back. The
authorities tried to ask him what happened, but he
only kept repeating "He will kill us all, none of us will
survive." It made me think about my nightmare. "He
will destroy everything." Was my dreams somehow
related to what was happening in Iceland? In fact,
what was actually happening there? Next was a
reportage on the "end of the world." It's been a long
time everyone stopped caring about the Mayan
apocalypse on December the 21 2012. Only a few
weird people still believed in it. And there was still
nothing happening. I barely even listened to it and
started wondering what I would do without a job. I
needed to find another one, and fast. The phone
startled me and I almost fell of my chair. I answered
only to hear static at the other end.
- Hello?
Still static. I was about to hang up when I heard
-He will come...
-What? Who are you?
But there was only a blank sound at the other end.
The other person had already hung up. What was
that? This whole story was starting to scare me. My
dreams, what was happening in Iceland, this phone
call; what was happening? As I am writing this I still
don't know what is happening. I will just go to sleep
and try to figure this out tomorrow.
December 14 2012
I had a nightmare once again. I didn't write anything
last evening because I was too shocked. How to
explain this? Iceland sunk. I know it just seems
crazy. Another earthquake of 10.7 on the Richter scale
shook Iceland yesterday near noon and completely
sunk the island beneath the ocean. Nobody
understands how such a powerful earthquake could
have ever happened. And the weirdest part of all that
is happening is the last message the world got from
Iceland. It's a small audio clip where we can barely
hear anything because of static, which was sent
minutes before the earthquake. It simply says: "He
roars in the night, He will come for all of you."
Like I said, I had another nightmare last night. Voices
in my head, once again. "He already started, look
what He did. He won't rest until He will have
destroyed everything. You must warn everybody, or
He will destroy you all..." But it's just a dream. Or is
it? I don't know what to think anymore. These dreams
just seem so real. And they just stick so much to
what was happening in Iceland. An earthquake also
shook the whole Australian island this morning. I
started thinking about that Mayan apocalypse thing.
What if it was happening right now? I'm going
paranoiac. I need to sleep.
December 15 2012
What is happening to me? Am I going crazy? I woke
up at four this morning, I was standing up in the
hallway, and my fingers were bleeding. It took me a
few seconds to realize where I was. I must have been
sleepwalking. Then I saw my wall. I had scratched it
with my fingers; which explained why they were
bleeding. It was written: "He is getting more powerful,
soon He will be able to sink continents..." What did
that mean? How did I write this in my sleep? I
couldn't fall back to sleep after this. I was just lying
in my bed, thinking about all this. Suddenly I felt the
ground shaking. An earthquake? It was already six in
the morning. I got up and opened the television to
know what was happening. I couldn't believe what I
saw. Australia suffered the same fate than Iceland. An
earthquake of 11.2 sunk the whole island and caused
a tsunami big enough to destroy New Zealand and all
the surrounding islands. Once again, one last
message was received from Australia minutes before
the earthquake. "His roar is horrible, you can't stop
Him." What were they talking about? A roar? The last
message of Iceland talked about a roar too. And the
spelunker did too. And that dream I made a few days
ago. I heard a roar in it! What is happening? Is
"something" causing those earthquakes? Is that what
my dreams are talking about? I don't know what to
December 17 , 2012
The situation got worse. Earthquakes started
occurring in South America yesterday. Everybody
feared the worst, and it happened. All of South
America including a small part of Mexico sunk and
the Tsunami that followed destroyed the Caribbean,
The south coast of the United-States like Florida and
Louisiana, and what was left of small islands in the
pacific that weren't wiped at the same time as
Australia. Once again, reports of "roars" came from
almost every country in South America, minutes
before the last earthquake. Everybody is panicking
now. Churches call everyone to redemption; the
illuminated who were talking about the apocalypse on
December the 21 are starting to be taken seriously.
This is not natural. Something horrible is behind all
this. I know it. And something is trying to tell me in
my dreams. What do They want from me?
December 19 , 2012
Everything is so clear now. The Mayans knew. I had
another dream last night. They explained it to me. I
don't know who is "They", but They told me what was
happening. Something is doing all of this. It drowned
Africa yesterday, and It destroyed Europe and Asia all
at once this morning. Always the same thing,
earthquakes to start with, followed by horrible roars
heard everywhere and one final gigantic earthquake
that destroys everything. It's clearly getting stronger.
North America is the only piece of land above the sea
level now. Everything got wild here. Nothing is under
control anymore. I think I'm the only one who knows
what is happening. Why did They choose me? I don't
know, but I have to do something.
December 20 , 2012
This will clearly be the last time I write in this
journal. We are all doomed. I will explain what
I barely slept last night. And in that short period, I
had a last dream. They told me everything. It wakes
up every few million years, and It destroys everything.
It sinks continents. He actually woke up a few
thousand years ago. That's what happened to
Atlantis. But someone found a way to stop It. Well, he
only found a way to postpone it, to put Him back to
sleep for a few other thousand years. They froze Him
in the high mountain glaciers of Iceland and they told
the Mayans about It. That's why they did the calendar
ending the 21 of December. They knew when It
would wake up. They tried to warn us. But they gave
us one last chance. I am that last chance. I then
figured out that It lived underground.
It would explain how It sinks continent, shaking them
from under, collapsing their foundations. And it would
explain what the spelunker from Iceland was saying.
They probably encountered It while trying to rescue
the others. I heard of a very large cave in the north of
Montreal, it's said to go very deep underground. I am
at the entrance of this cave. I will go in. I do not
know what I will do or what I will find, but I have to
try something. The earthquakes started this morning.
We are next. Excepted if I can stop Him.
The psychiatrist finished reading the small journal.
His latest patient was stressing him out. He was
brought to him two weeks ago, in the last week of
November. He had locked himself up in his apartment
until his family finally decided to call the police to
force the door. His apartment was a mess and they
found him in fetal position in a corner of the living
room, a journal next to him. The same journal the
doctor just read. He was diagnosed with
schizophrenia. He was hearing voices in his head.
Once again today he tried forcing through the door of
his cell screaming the He would come for them, and
that he had to stop Him. The doctor feared nothing
could be done for him. Today he brought back the
journal of his patient home planning to read it, but
fell asleep before. He woke up in the middle of the
night, victim of nightmares, and decided to read the
journal. Even though the journal left him uneasy, it
confirmed his diagnostic. The patient wrote about
"future events", he was hearing things that he thought
were real, bringing him into madness. The doctor
looked at his alarm clock. It showed 3:33. He
remembered what he had just read and wondered
what date they were. It struck him as the ground
began to shake. It was December 11 , 2012.

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