little old me

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She couldn't believe that it felt different. Being wondergirl used to be her favourite thing to do. It was a part of her everyday routine,a part of her life. Putting on that suit used to make her feel stronger and more powerful. Now it made her feel like she wasn't strong enough, it made her fear that the nightmares would never leave her.

A loud knock on her door, brought her back to reality. She couldn't really say that it was a bad thing, because at least, she now was aware of where she was. She now knew that she was just scared, not dead again.

"Hurry up we have to leave" Dick's voice sounded in the silence that in reality wasn't real. There was so much noise coming from the living room, where everyone was gathered up, but her brain was cancelling it.

"Coming!"she shouted, wiping away her tears. She took a look at the mirror of her closet, realizing that her face was flushed and her eyes seemed puffy from crying. She immediately grabbed her concealer, mascara, blush and clear lipgloss, doing a quick makeup look, only to cover up the fact that she was crying, before exiting her room.

"Finally, what took you so long?" Kory asked angrily.

Normally, Donna would've given her a mean response, but right now she really wasn't in the mood for that. She and Kory were friends, best friends, but they weren't the kind of best friends that match their outfits or say the same thing at the same time. They were more like siblings, they teased each other all the time and they were fighting about the smallest things. For now,she just rolled her eyes and walked away.

Once they got out of the tower and in the car, Donna was lost in her thoughts. She was thinking of the fact that everything changed after her death. Dawn wasn't in the Titans anymore,she was in Paris, probably living a better life than the one she lived when she was a titan, Hank became a hero in the afterlife, Conner was still trying to figure out what and who he was and Rachel's powers were now stronger than they were before.

Dick's voice, brought her back in reality,by shouting to all the titans to get out of the car.

Fighting Deathstroke was the thing that she missed less than anything. She hated that guy,he was literally the worst villain of them all. She always found him ridiculous and she just wanted him to disappear so that she could finally lige a normal life like a normal 29 year old woman.


After fighting Deathstroke,she was back in the car, thinking about Dawn this time. She couldn't even remember when was the last time that she hugged her. She couldn't stop thinking about how much she wanted to hug her and tell her that everything's okay now and that she doesn't have to cry anymore. God, she hated it when she cried. Not because she found it annoying or childish, quite the opposite. She hated it because she was hurting.

From what she remembers, Dawn usually cried because of Hank. She loved him so much, and so did he, but sometimes he really didn't show it. He would blame her for things that she wasn't responsible for. He would never ever hurt her physically though,he was a good guy after all. But she still remembers the last time that they broke up.


She didn't walk, but run to Donna's room. She was craving Donna's comfort right now, she was so good at comforting people after all,even if she couldn't see it. She didn't even knock, she just got in.

"Can't you just-" the younger woman stopped yelling when she realized that she was crying."what happened?"

"H-he he-" she couldn't even get the words out of her mouth. The sobs were taking over, making it impossible for her to breathe.

"He broke up with you?"

Dawn nodded, almost collapsing to the floor, but thankfully Donna was quick enough to catch her. She sat down, leaning back to the door of her bedroom that was now shut,and pulled Dawn close to her chest, whispering soothing words to her.

"I want to harm myself Donna, I-I can't-" she sobbed harder.

"Not in my arms" Donna whispered.

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