We were in Paris

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The following night,she couldn't believe that she was outside Dawn's door. She took a deep breath, wiping a tear away,before she rang her bell.

There she was. Looking more beautiful than ever. Her platinum blonde hair was looking longer now,and she wasn't wearing any makeup.

"You're back, you're alive" she couldn't believe it. Donna Troy who died seven months ago was now standing outside her door.

Donna opened her arms,and Dawn ran in them. She missed her,her embrace,her smile,her smell. She could smell her coconut scented conditioner as she was being hugged by her. She started sobbing.

"I'm right here now,and I'm not leaving you ever again"

"I missed you so much"the blonde couldn't even talk,she was in pure shock.

"I know, I missed you too"

Dawn clung on her, sobbing. Her arms wrapped around Donna's waist,and her head burried in her dark brown hair. She felt like if she let go of her,she wouldn't be there with her anymore,she would disappear, leaving her alone again. She couldn't live without her anymore. A part of her couldn't. She missed being back with her favourite person. If she left,she would be completely broken all over again. She wouldn't wanna live anymore.

Donna just held her, rubbing her back softly, waiting patiently for her to get her breath back. She didn't talk, she just let her cry it out because they both knew she needed it. She knew how much she needed a hug right now and it didn't bother her at all.

Donna finally spoke after Dawn had calmed down. "How about you go to sleep? You're tired" she recommended.

"Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" The blonde sniffled. She truly was tired but she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep without her.

"Of course I can"

As Dawn laid down, Donna sat besides her,gently stroking her hair as she closed her eyes. She couldn't take her eyes away from the sleeping beauty in front of her. She looked adorable, snuggling with her hello kitty plushie. Her hair was all over her face and she still looked gorgeous.

She pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead before she got up to go to her bed. "Good night sweetheart"

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