I think I'm finally clean

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They were laying in bed, the morning rays of sun glowing in the room, causing them both to wake up. The room smelled like a combination of vanilla and coconut. A combination of smells that went so well together. Just like those two.

"good morning beautiful" Dawn's sleepy voice sounded in the deadly silence. It was sweet and sounded like a melody to Donna's ears.

"Good morning,how are you feeling?" The younger woman asked her, waking up slowly.

"Like I want to be yours forever" Dawn's answer couldn't be more flirty. She climbed on top of Donna, kissing her deeply. And Donna hadn't felt like that in a long time.

"I'm whatever you want me to be" Donna whispered in her ear.

"That was hot"

She couldn't hesitate any more,she pulled Donna's shirt off, kissing her bare breasts and cupping them with her hands, while kissing her passionately, until they were both out of breath.

"Want me to make you feel better than you've ever felt before?" Dawn's words sounded like heaven to her. The way she was flirting with her and the tone of her voice was making her even more turned on than she already was.

"Please" she moaned in pleasure.

Dawn removed her shorts, rubbing soft and slow circles on her underwear, right where her clit was, feeling Donna getting wet. She didn't remove it yet though,she now opened Donna's legs wider, slowly caressing her inner thighs,as she was kissing her belly, sending chills all over her body.

"Dawn... please"she didn't care how loud she was,she was feeling close to cumming and felt like she couldn't hold it anymore.

"Not yet baby" Dawn said, removing her now wet underwear. Donna tried to move her hands so that she could relief herself,but Dawn pinned them up to the pile of pillows, making Donna hiss in sudden pain.

"Did I hurt you?" The blonde asked, scared that she probably hurt her.

Donna shook her head, making Dawn realize what was going on.

"You did it didn't you?" She asked.

"Can we talk about it another time? I need you right now"

Dawn found the opportunity to finally get undressed. "How much do you need me?" She asked, putting her body on hers, looking right into her eyes,as she started rubbing her pussy on hers slowly.

"Dawn I'm so close" she almost whispered, breathing heavily, making Dawn go faster, until both of them were moaning each other's names.

"Dawn I'm gonna cum" the younger woman screamed as she felt the liquid coming out.

"Let's do it together okay?" Dawn said, starting to go even faster,until she felt like she was getting close. Donna cupped her breasts, making her scream her name in sudden pleasure.

"I'm cumming for you" Dawn almost whispered now,as Donna wasn't even able to get the words out of her mouth. Her body shaking.

After some time of silence between them, Donna broke the silence.
"I'm sorry" she said,her voice breaking.

"For what baby?" Dawn's voice was soft, gently caressing her face.

"For what I did to my arms,I really was struggling without you and -"

"Shh it's okay baby, I know,you don't have to explain yourself,I'm right here now,how about we get a shower and then we can cuddle all you want?" Dawn comforted her.  She knew what it was like to feel guilty for things that you didn't control.

"Okay" she sniffled as she got up, heading in the shower.

After showering, they laid in Dawn's bed, cuddling with each other, Dawn almost being asleep on Donna, while Donna was playing with her hair.

Suddenly, Dawn's stomach was heard in the silence.

"Maybe we should go eat something" Donna laughed

Dawn shook her head. "No I like it when we're cuddling" she said sleepingly.

"Let's go eat,and then I promise you can sleep all you want and I won't move"

And Dawn knew that this woman was going to keep her clean. She was never going to harm herself ever again, because this woman would always look after her,no matter what.

And Donna knew that she was going to stay clean forever. She knew that even if nobody else loved or cared about her, Dawn would always be her one and only. She would forever be hers.

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