safe & sound

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She woke up in the middle of the night. A cold sweat was running down her forehead, leaving her out of breath. She needed to see if Donna was there. Damn it for not asking her to sleep with her last night.She got up, feeling dizzy,but she made it to the guest room where Donna was sleeping. She looked so peaceful,but Dawn's panicking state wouldn't leave her to think right.

She got in her arms, calling her name until she woke up.

"What happened?" Donna asked,her voice thick with sleep. Once she realized that Dawn was not just crying,but having a literal panic attack,she held her close, whispering soothing words in her ear.

"Don't leave me please" the older woman sobbed. She seemed terrified and Donna realized that she probably had a nightmare. A bad one from the looks of it.

"Shh it was only a dream, I'm not going anywhere" the brunette whispered, running her fingers through her blonde hair gently. She was so gentle, that Dawn calmed down immediately. She had something that made Dawn feel safe with her.

She was now pressing small kisses on her forehead, until she felt how warm it was. "Dawn where's the thermometer?"

Dawn didn't even ask, she just let her take care of her because that's what she knew best. She knew how to be sweet and caring,and just for her, only for her. Like she was someone special. Like she was more than just an average person,like she was only Donna's and no one else's.

"Bathroom drawer" she managed to say. Her eyes were closing slowly.

"It's okay,rest" the younger woman said,placing a kiss on her hairline, before getting up to go to the bathroom.

She found the thermometer, going back to the sick woman. She was now sleeping peacefully,while holding Donna's pillow. She felt bad to wake her,but she really had to check her temperature,even if now she finally looked peaceful. She got closer to her, gently rubbing her back so that she wouldn't scare her.

"hey baby,can you open your eyes for a second?" Donna whispered,a smile was drawn on her lips as Dawn slowly opened her eyes, their eyes meeting.

"Open your mouth"

Dawn did as she was told,and opened her mouth for Donna to put the thermometer in. She was shivering and she was feeling terrible, but she was patient. She didn't want to whine, because that would make Donna get annoyed and leave. At least that's what she thought.

The beeping sound of the thermometer made her whine, something that she regretted afterwards, deciding that the best for her was to stay quiet, which Donna realized eventually.

"Oh Dawn,it's normal for you to whine,I wouldn't think less of you if you let your emotions out" she said, wiping away a few tears from her face. She truly seemed so tired.

"I'm gonna get you some medicine and I'll be right back, okay?" Donna asked,her voice low because she could see the headache that Dawn was having. Dawn nodded.

Once she was back,she helped her take the medicine, which made Dawn gag. She hated the feeling when she felt like she would get sick. She hated being sick and she hated throwing up.

"I don't want to throw up" she cried, knowing that Donna only wanted to help her and not make fun of her. She wasn't like anyone else she had ever known,she was a way better person,and the kindest soul Dawn had ever met.

"I'm gonna bring you a trashcan and if you want to throw up, just wake me up"

After bringing the her the trashcan,she got in bed with her, taking her in her arms. Dawn felt like she could die in them.

And they both fell asleep in each other's arms, knowing that they're safe as long as they're together.

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