stay stay stay

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The following night passed by with Donna waking up to check on Dawn,and Dawn waking up because she either felt like throwing up or because her stomach was cramping and she wanted Donna to rub it until she was back asleep.

Donna woke up first. She took a look at Dawn, seeing her soundly asleep. Her hair was everywhere and her face was flushed because of the fever. Donna decided not to wake her, instead,she gently scooped her up in her arms, moving her downstairs to the living room.

Dawn's eyes cracked open as Donna was carrying her downstairs.
"Hey" she managed to say. She was too tired to ask her where they were going,but again Donna knew best.

"Hey,go back to sleep" she said placing a small kiss on her nose.

She placed her on the couch, covering her with a blanket. She looked adorable when she was curling up to her blanket.

"Rest now,you woke up almost every three hours last night" she whispered, kissing her forehead before getting up. She wished she could stay with her,but someone had to do the chores,and now that Dawn was sick,she had to do them.

She was vacuuming when Dawn started to stir. She was looking around, searching for Donna. She probably had a nightmare again.

"Hey did I wake you?"

"No,my stomach did" Dawn got up fast, rushing to the bathroom, dragging Donna with her. She leaned into the toilet, emptying the contents of her stomach,as Donna was rubbing her back.

"Are you feeling any better now?" Donna asked, taking her in her arms, wiping a line of sweat off her forehead. Her blonde hair was now stuck all over her face,while tears were running down her brown eyes. Yet she was the most beautiful woman Donna had ever met.

The blonde nodded, closing her eyes, clinging on the younger woman. She wanted to stay forever with her,in her arms. Every time Donna held her,it was like the world stopped for a second. Nothing else mattered,just her. She was Donna's girl and no one else's. Even if they were just best friends,she still had a hope left that someday they would be something,ore than best friends,they would be all they needed and who cared about what would the others say? As long as it was just Dawn and Donna,the world was a better place. Her arms always made Dawn believe that heaven is a place on earth. Like she found paradise.

Donna flushed the toilet and helped her get up. She brushed her teeth and carried her back to bed,not forgetting her blanket. She wrapped her around it, getting under the covers with her in her arms. She selected frozen on Netflix, knowing that this was Dawn's favorite movie to watch and she let Dawn play with her hair. She knew that it helped her sleep.

And about twenty minutes later,Dawn was snoring softly on her chest,and Donna was kissing the top of her head, softly stroking her back. And she knew that this woman in her arms was nothing sort of an angel. She was keeping her alive,she was keeping her clean. The best part is: she didn't know about it.

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