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Myra POV.

"I can't believe how much I love you," he says looking me in the eyes, he sounded honest, he couldn't lie, I know that he won't lie to me even if he could, but I'll lie to him, I lie every time I need to, I'm not bounded to say the truth like he did.
"I love you too," I say with a smile on my face, I wasn't lying, it was the truth, I do really love him, and not just for all the powers I see he has, I love him for being him, my prince charming.

"I'm going to bring you with me," he says, he promises me again, we've been together for over ten years, we're two lovers, we're two souls that found each other, I believed that there's no real love, that until I met him, he's my real thing.
Long blond hair that fell down to his shoulder as soft as silk, green eyes that also had some hazel in them, and even his face was perfect with long eyelashes, defined cupids arrow with pale pink lips, he's taller than me, he keeps looking down at me, making me feel so delicate and small.

"Caspian, you know better," I say with a sigh, it wasn't a lit again, for some reason I don't lie around him, even when I could lie, I don't lie to him, we're both very honest to each other.
"I know, but why not, I'm their prince, they need to respect my decision," Caspian says and I groaned.

Caspian is the prince of the fey, he belongs to their kingdom, to their realm, he's dressed like a prince, wearing his armour, standing tall and proud, he has a sword on his side, he looks out of the fairytales, the perfect soldier, a general, a prince, and he's all mine.
"If they don't respect your decision if they try to hurt you? Or me?" I ask him, it's not just me, I have a son I need to think of and take care of.
"We have honour, Myra! No one would dare to hurt you, they'd try to fight me and I'll kick their butts for it," he says with a chuckle, he's one of the strongest fey I have ever met, not that I have met a lot of them.

"I believe you Caspian," I assured him, I did believe him, we've spent way too long together not to have built some kind of trust.
"I know you do, although you may say lies, you are honest to me," he says talking like a fey all over again, he has two kinds of talking, this one the fey talk, and the one he does when he's just around me, he loves the human talk and he likes talking like them, but talking like that around the fey would make fun of him or call him a hypocrite.

"I'm a great liar, Caspian, I lie the whole day," I say with a big smile on my face, which was a lie on its own.
"I know, how's the little one?" he asks, asking me about Oliver my son, he's home with his werewolf babysitter, she sees him as her pup, and she'd burn the whole world to keep him safe, even if it includes biting my ass for scolding my son.

"He's fine, he has Luna wrapped around his little finger," I say with a chuckle.
"Tell him next time I'm around, we'll spare together," he says with a smile, he's teaching my son how to use a sword, it's very costumery for fey, but since we're witches we use our magic to keep ourselves safe, but I wasn't going to stand in the way of the two bonding.
Oliver's father died and he never had the chance to meet him, instead, all he got is Caspian as his father figure, Olli is now twelve years old, but he's still a child in our world, and he needs a lot of protection and care still.

"You're leaving?" I ask him, he can't stay in my lands for long, he got permission to be in the witch's land since I'm the one in charge of our coven, but other witches are worried and scared of his presence, most try to avoid him, to chase him off or maybe get him to fight them.
"You know I have to," he says making me pout, I might be an old witch, one with her own kid, but every time I see him, I'm acting like a young witch who's falling in love for the first time all over again.

Did it even count as love that I had with Olli's father, he was my first crush and my first love, but was that even love? I don't know, he knocked me up and ditched us, and I was left alone with Olli, it's not that I was young, but I was busy becoming powerful and strong before I even thought about having kids, or falling in love with anyone.
"When will I see you again?" I ask him like a lost little girl who's losing her love.
"I'll be back when I can, my lady," he says kissing my hand, he always does that, kiss the top of my hand, making my heart melt.

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