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Charlotte POV.

"Salyut," Luna yells in Russian, raising her glass with half of the club, no one wants to go home, everyone is in here, and everyone is still heavy on the drinking.
"Salut! To never get old," I say and drown the drink, I have never seen Olli this loose before, or maybe it's the booze talking.

He had taken off his jacket and loosened the button of the shirt, and I lost one of my shoes, but I didn't care, it made dancing more interesting, well trying to dance and move while holding on to Luna hoping that I wouldn't fell down on the ground.
"He's sleeping with my best friend, let's drink to forget," a guy said, drowning his glass, I don't know which glass I'm on, but we passed the ten mark around an hour ago.
"Hey! We're here to celebrate my birthday," I yell at him, how mean of him to talk about someone cheating while I'm here to celebrate my birthday.

"Birthday girl, you know what we do when it's someone's birthday," a wolf girl that's not Luna says coming close to me, rubbing her whole body against mine, she got close enough until her mouth was just near my ear.
"We celebrate it, but in bed," she says and I push her off me, how rude of her, I don't know her like that and I don't want to get to know a filthy dog like her like that.

"You bitch," the wolf says angrily, she turned to me with red eyes, growling, her fangs out, ready to bite my head off, but even while drunk I still knew I had powers, enough powers to beat her ass with my magic, that along with the fact that I still had Olli and Luna with me and they won't let anyone try to hurt me, they aren't too nice to people who are mean to me.
"Get away from her," Luna growls at the wolf.
"Or what? She's a snub bitch," the other wolf growls at Luna.
"She's with me and under my protection," Luna growls at her.

"Don't you dare touch me," I growl at them, my power rolling off me, I felt like the strongest witch alive, maybe even stronger than Mom at the moment.
"You brought a witch into our lands," a guy now growls at Luna.
"They are here to party," Luna says, and I noticed Olli taking a step forward, now they both had me hiding behind them.

"Witches, if they are just here to party, they need to respect our rules," a new guy says, he sounded in charge and sober.
"They are alpha, but they don't like being touched," Luna says bowing her head a bit to the guy.
"We're wolves Luna, we like having grabby hands," the guy says coming toward Luna, touching her in a way she didn't enjoy but she didn't object either, she called him alpha, he's the one in charge of her.

My anger got the best of me, I was so close to hurt him, to burn him down to the ground, but Oliver stood in the middle, pushing me to the side, stopping me from hurting this wolf that she calls alpha, he's supposed to keep her safe, not touch her like that.
"We're sorry for causing trouble alpha, we're leaving," Oliver says holding my hand dragging me away and preventing me from killing that damn alpha.
"Luna," I said, trying to get her to come with us.
"Luna stays," the alpha growls.
"She's our ride," Oliver lies.
"I take care of them alpha, their mother won't be too happy," Luna says trying to get away from him, trying to follow us.

"They're big enough to get their own asses home, leave my territory, now," the alpha scolded us, I growled copying them, I'm not leaving Luna behind.
"Luna," I growl, they can't force her to stay.
"Charlotte, leave," Luna ordered me in her firm voice, the one she uses with me at home, especially when I mess up or poke her the wrong way.
"But Luna," I say feeling frustrated, I didn't want her to get in trouble cause of me.

"I said leave Charlotte, I'll see you tomorrow," Luna says again, we had to leave, Oliver pushed me out, while I kept looking back at her, she needs to be saved, she needs help.
"Oliver! We need to help her," I scold my brother for making us leave her behind, that's very evil of him.
"It's her alpha in there, if we interfere we'll only be causing her troubles," Oliver objects.

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