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Charlotte POV.

I woke up in a bed, as soon as I opened my eyes I knew it wasn't my bed, it felt weird and off, and I knew it wasn't mine, I looked around to see where I was, it was a bedroom with nothing to show to whom it belongs, it got nothing itemized, it felt like a bland guest room.
I tried to remember the last thing that happened before I went to sleep, I remembered Luna and the fact that she died, tears started to fall down my face, but I wiped them away quickly, I remembered what happened afterwards as well.

I killed the whole pack, and then Tristan came and said I didn't have permission to do what I did, and then nothing, that's how I ended up here, he must have brought me here.
"Tristan," I yelled out loud, I didn't care about being careful, I wanted to know where I was, I needed to get back home.
"You're awake," a new voice says, a woman comes and walks toward me, she has what looks like a maid outfit on, she looks at me, sees me awake and then walks out of the room locking the door behind her.

"Hey! Where did you go? Why did you lock the door," I yelled, my head hurt very much, did he hit me on the head when he brought me here.
"Come back here," I yelled still from my spot, I groaned, the headache was really bad, it made it hard to get up or think straight.
I think I have fallen back asleep, I didn't mean to, but since my head hurt too much, I couldn't really get up or move my body, so I stayed asleep until the pain was bearable.

"You're finally awake," it was Tristan voice, I heard it as soon as I woke up the second time.
"What did you do? Hit me on the head?" I growled at him.
"Something like that, you're awake, we need to talk," Tristan says.
"Yes, let's start with why I'm here?" I ask him in a firm voice.
"Because you killed a whole pack of wolves," he says.
"By their rule, revenge is allowed, they killed someone of mine, so I killed them back," I answer him.

"It's not about the killing, it's about how you did it," Tristan says changing his statement.
"And how did I do it? Using every power I had," I say in a cold voice, it's all fair and game what I did, and how I had them dead.
"You tapped into powers you shouldn't have touched," he says in a cold voice.
"Said who?" I ask him, who made him the boss of me? I don't even know him.

"Said me, do you even know what you were doing, you could've caused a lot of harm, you could've killed people," he says in a scolding voice.
"I don't know who you think you are, but tapping into that kind of power is dangerous," he says.
"Right, I could've killed people, and I did, I killed the ones who hurt what's mine," I say angrily, now that the pain wasn't controlling me, my whole body was boiling with my power and magic, he was getting on my last nerve.
"Watch it," he warns me.
"Or what?" I growl at him again.
"You're here because you need to talk to someone who's in charge of both me and you, so you need to calm down because your anger would only bring trouble for the both of us," Tristan says.

"The only person who's in charge of me is my coven leader, and she's not here," I say meaning my mother, she's the one in charge of the whole coven, including me, and if she doesn't approve of my magical use, she's the one who has to tell me off.
"You know you're more than just being a witch princess," he says and I had to hide my reaction, I only found out what I really am not so long ago, and now he just met me and he knows what I am.

"I'm a witch and a bitch," I say with a sassy smile on my face.
"Agreed, but you got some more in you, and you know it," he says in such a confident voice, it felt like he knew too much about me.
"Right, some people call me mean as well," I say with a shrug.
"Charlotte, you got royal blood in you," he says in a very firm voice and I gave him my coldest look possible, the one that says I don't give two fucks.
"Yes, I know, I'm a royal bitch," I assure him with a smile on my face still.
"Not that kind of royal Charlotte, I know you're having fun messing with me, but it's not what I mean," he says and I shrugged, what else does he mean, I'm a royal, that's what my brother and nanny kept on telling me.

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