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Charlotte POV.

"Charlotte, little girl, you're not a monkey, come down," Luna yells from below me, but I ignored her and kept on climbing, I loved nature, I loved the trees, and I felt at home right in here.
"A monkey!" I yell back at Luna how dare she call me monkey, she's a bitch, a female dog, she's a she-wolf, and my babysitter. Both mine and Olli, but Oliver acts like such a stuck-up bitch that doesn't need a sitter, he acts as if he's a million years old instead of being in his twenties, I don't know what climbed up his ass, but it sure as hell didn't come back down.

"Yes, monkey, you're the one climbing up the tree, not me," she yells again.
"Right, you're the one barking at it," I say in a low voice hoping she won't hear me, but she did, Luna was a great babysitter, she loves kids, but once you pass the ten years old mark, she turns into the worst bitch you've ever met, and I'm dead.
"Come here, you little rude puppy," she says and climbs after me, I love Luna to death, teasing her is my favourite game since Olli doesn't care whatever I tell him, he just acts like the bigger person and never plays back with me, never yell or fight, he's always just acting as the bigger guy.

"Luna, wait! Wait!" I yell trying to move, trying to tap into my magic to tell my magic to come and save me, but the fear had me moving and not thinking with magic. Luna caught me as expected and dragged me down from the tree, yelling and screaming.
"You little brat," she scolded me as we finally made it to the ground, I made sure it wasn't that easy for her.

"Not my fault, you should've left me up there," I whined, I loved the tree, and I loved sitting on top.
"Right, because you're such a skilled monkey, and when you fall and Madame comes home, she'll blame Luna for you getting hurt," she says angrily at me, I didn't think about Mom, she trusts Luna with us, Luna is the one who has practically raised us.

"I'm sorry Luna," I say looking down at my feet.
"Oh you're gonna be sorry," she says and slaps my bum twice, I yelled with both smacks, that wasn't fair.
"What are these for," I say rubbing my sore bum.
"For climbing, to begin with and calling me a dog, how rude of you, I'm a wolf," she says, and I had to hold back my smile, that wolf loves sarcasm and sass as much as Mom and me.

"Luna, you should put her on a leash," Oliver suggests.
"Leashes are for dogs Oliver, your sister is a cat," she says with a slight smile, she always says I look like a cat and act like one.
"Right, next time she climbs the tree, we'll call the firefighters," Oliver says with a chuckle.
"You're not too old to have your bum spanked Oliver," she scolds him next and I can't help my laughter, I laughed out loud at him, poor Olli, not really, even the good boy had his fair share of having his bum spanked.

"Hey kids," Mom says joining us in the backyard, I ran in and gave her a hug, I loved that woman, and she loved me back.
"Missed you too Char-char," that was mom's nickname to me since the day I was born.
"Now that you're here Madame, I must leave," Luna says with her thick accent, she has a wolf's accent one that she refuses to tell me where she had it from, from her past I guess.

"Did they cause any troubles?" Mom asks our sitter and nanny.
"Troubles?" Luna says with a chuckle, and mom only shakes her head.
"Sorry, I mean did they cause any bodily or material injuries?" she asks.
"Oh nu, they were perfect as always," Luna says, giving both of us a kiss and then leaving to get back home.

"Mommy," I say trying to sound as innocent as I can, I've been asking the same question for a whole year now and she won't give me an answer.
"Yes?" Mom answers knowing the question to come.
"Who's my father?" I ask her like I was doing for so long, every day, I just want to know.
"A man who's not in our life anymore," Mom says with a sad smile.

"Mom, I know it's not Luna, or someone from the coven, I mean honestly, I'm twelve and I know none of them are your type, so who is it?" I ask her, hoping one day she'll tell me, one day she'll give in.
"Wow, she's smart mother, does she know it's not me either?" Oliver asks chiming in, he's busy reading a book, always up to learn something new.
"Not funny Oliver," I groaned, I was pretty sure he knew the truth, but he won't tell me either.

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