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Charlotte POV.

"Let's go princess, quickly," Tristan says coming toward me, he takes hold of my hand and walks me out of the room before I can object or even get the chance to talk.
"Tristan, what's going on?" I finally managed to say as we ran through the doors of the kingdom, maids bowed to us, and other guards looked at us with confusion, but we kept moving, until we got to a more private area, a place that didn't have the same feeling of being in the middle of a bee hive.

"We're going somewhere safe, the queen has it out for you, we need to hide you," he says.
"Let her come, Tristan, I'd love to have a bit of that bitch," I say stopping and looking at him with confidence, I'm the daughter of Madame Witch, I'm not one to be messed with.
"Charlotte, you're young, you're powerful, but she's old, and she's filled with tricks, you can't stand up for her, she doesn't play fair and she's not scared of hitting you when you're not looking," he says.
"Lovely, she sounds like a doll," I say with sarcasm.

"I know, it's why we need to hide you quickly, quickly now," he says and goes on another round of running through the doors, he opens some kind of secret door in the wall and starts to run through there.
"Tristan, where are you taking me? Can I even trust you?" I ask him, stopping running and looking at him with a firm look.
"I knew your father princess, I respected him, he was a great prince, would've made a perfect king, but he's gone, and now we have Prince Asher, he's good, but he's nowhere the man your father used to be," he says, so my father died? Is that why he left us? Or maybe he left us and then died having too much fun being child-free.

"My father? What are you talking about Tristan?" I ask him, looking at him with confusion.
"I swear Charlotte, you're my princess and you have my loyalty, please, let me help you," he says, his words holding power in them, his words were one spoked by an honest man, they can't lie, the fey can't lie and he's the only one I knew around here, and he knew my father, so I went along with him.
We kept on moving until finally, we got to a room, it was nothing like the one I woke up in, this one looked clean but lived in, it had a trace of people living in it, and small trinkets sprinkled around the room.

"Is this your room?" I ask him.
"It is my private quarters, it's the room I sleep in sometimes when I'm looking for privacy away from my mate," he says.
"And you brought me here because?" I ask him.
"Because this is my private quarter and no one would dare come in, they know what kind of wrath they'd face," he repeats.

"Tell me about my father," I ask him.
"You only slept for an hour when I brought you here, it's still night, you should try to rest until the morning," he says.
"I don't want to sleep, I want to get back home," I say.
"I will make sure you go back home princess," he promises me.

"I want to go now, you take me there and I'll be safe," I say thinking of Mom and Olli, they'd both keep me safe no matter what.
"If I do that, they'll decide that you are a traitor and they will kill you without making sure that you are guilty," he says.
"I have to stay?" I whined.
"Yes, until the morning," he promises me and walks away from the room, giving me some privacy.

I sat on the bed and thought about everything that was going on with my mother, I looked for my phone but it wasn't on me, I couldn't call Mom and tell her I was in trouble, she thought I was in my room hiding until the morning as I do usually, but I wasn't there tonight and she had no idea.
If I ever end up telling her about this, she's taking my door down and I'll never get any kind of privacy again, she'll never ever trust me again, I was doomed, maybe it was better for me to stay here and get to know my father through him.

I looked around the room trying to snoop on Tristan, he swore that he was on my side, that I was his princess, and then he talked about my father and someone named Prince Asher, I had no idea who these people were.
The room looked like a very normal room, it had pictures of him in his uniform, some with a girl who looked young, well she didn't look too young, but she was dressed up like a little. The only information I could gather in Tristan is he's in the army or guard or whatever they like to call themselves, he has a little, and he's a daddy dom, and that's about it.

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