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Charlotte POV.

So my father is fey, I found that out years ago, but I don't know who he is yet, every time I ask my mother about him, about more information, how much fey there is inside of me? What does it mean? She'll get sad, she'll get miserable and I'll feel bad for her and end up shutting up, worried about hurting my mother, she doesn't deserve that.

I decided to gather information on my own, to try and learn more about feys, about that side of my family and finally, one day she'll tell me who he is, maybe I'll get the chance to meet him and know why he left us, why he has hurt my mom so badly.
I learned about feys, they don't lie, but I do lie, I lied to Olli this morning, and to mom last night, and I'm sure that I have lied to Luna a million times before, she's still part of my family, I don't need a nanny anymore, but mom says she needs the job and she loves to spend time with me and I love spending time with her as well.

There are two kinds of them, the light and the dark, was my dad a dark fairie, is that why he left us behind, but if he was dark, then that would have reflected on my magic, it'll be darker, stronger and maybe evil. I think from what I have understood that the dark fey people are evil, well not evil, but they are winter people, living in the cold, in the dark, their magic is rougher, and they like to cause a lot more troubles than solving them.
The fey blood is one bond that you can never break, I belong to them, even if I'm half witch, the other half of me belongs to them, I could go over and demand to be part of their people or I can stay where I am and live my life as a witch.

I didn't care about how I was going to be living my life, what really wanted to know is who my father was, and why he left us? The both of us, I tried to ask Oliver about him, Olli is a big boy, he was never a child, and I knew he must of known mom's boyfriend, if she's so attached to him, Olli must have felt or seen something. Oliver keeps on saying I'm too young to know information, maybe one day when I'm older, but the days are passing and I'm not getting any new information from any of them.

"Happy birthday princess," Luna says, she has baked me a cake for my twenty-first birthday.
"Thank you Luna," I say with a smile on my face.
"You're welcome, why are you pouting?" she asks me next, "do you not like your cake?" she asks me with worry now.
"I love the cake," I assure her, but it wasn't what made me so sad.

"Then what's wrong?" she asks me.
"I'm old now Luna, and all I'm asking from Mom and Olli is to know who my father is, I need to know something, anything," I confess to her, if Olli knows, she knows too, I should've been asking Luna all along.
"Your father's absence has broken your mother's heart," Luna says sadly.

"Did he die? Get hit by a bus, why would he leave Mom? Did he simply not want me," I ask her, the last option wasn't one I had thought about before did he leave because of me, maybe he never wanted to be a father, and I ruined their relationship, tears started to gather in my eyes, I felt weak and stupid, I felt like a burden over my mother's life.
"Hey! Hey! Charlotte never says that again," Luna scolds me.
"Or what you're gonna smack my bum like you did when I was young?" I say with a chuckle, wiping my tears away.

"You're never too big for that, and you know it," she says making me laugh for real this time, she's right, you're never too old for a spanking, after my small laugh, I sighed and started to eat some of the cake, so this is the answer I've been looking for, he left because of me.
"What's going on in your mind child?" Luna asks me.
"Nothing," I answer her.
"Liar, you think he left because of you," she says reading my face and mind.

"Didn't he?" I say, knowing that he did.
"That man would've died from happiness if he knew he was going to be a father and to a girl non less, I don't know what happened, why he left and never came back, but it was before your mother knew she was pregnant with you," Luna says.
"You knew him?" I ask her, knowing the answer now.
"I did, but it's not my place to tell you about him, it's up to your mother," she says making me groan, mom isn't going to tell me shit, I'll have to find out on my own.

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