chapter eight: The Tractor Beam

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The calm that followed the confession and acceptance was short-lived. Back at the facility, the team was preparing for their next mission when the alarms blared to life.

"Attention, all personnel! An unidentified spacecraft has entered Earth's atmosphere," Monger's voice echoed through the facility.

Ray, still in his gigantic form, rushed to the command centre with the other monsters. The screens displayed a massive alien ship hovering ominously over the city.

"That's Gallaxhar's ship," Dr. Cockroach said, his voice tense. "He's here for the Quantonium."

As they watched, a powerful tractor beam shot down from the ship, engulfing Ray in its light. He felt himself being lifted off the ground, the force of the beam pulling him towards the ship.

"Ray!" Henry shouted, trying to reach him.

Ray struggled against the beam, but its grip was too strong. "Henry, stay back! I'll be okay!"

The other monsters tried to help, but the beam's power was overwhelming. As Ray was pulled higher into the sky, he felt a mix of fear and determination. He had accepted his new form and found love in an unexpected place. Now, he had to face Galaxhar and protect the Earth from this new threat.

As the world below grew smaller, Ray steeled himself for the confrontation ahead. He was Ginormica, and he was ready to face Galaxhar, no matter the cost.


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