Ch. 1

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Kenna Pov.

I look in the mirror as I finish putting on my shirt. Same black tank top and black jeans as I wore the day before. And all the days before that I silently think to myself. I turn around so my dark brown hair is facing the mirror and braid it. When Im satisifated I turn toward my bed in the corner of the small room and pick up my wand. Its a light grey like the color of my eyes with hundreds of line engravings on it. Each line represents a life that I have taken. Everyone at my school puts the marks on their wands but I have the most. The engravings are a symbol here. A symbol of power and loyalty to the school. Because I have the most, no one wanted to be near me and the headmaster favored me the most which gave me special privileges. When I first came to the school I was barely two years of age. Even thought I was young, I still remember everything. From when I was born till today I have never forgotten a single thing. The headmaster calls it a gift while I say it's a curse. I wanted to be like the other students. A person with a clean slate and no memory of their previous life because of a poison they gave us. It wipes your memory and makes you un-human. You don't need to eat, sleep,enhances hearing and smell, gives you great strength, and it slows down aging. I have been sixteen for two hundred and thirty seven years now.They gave it to me but my memory stayed.My father left me in the middle of nowhere somewhere near Florence after my mother died from sickness. They were both muggles. Headmaster found me and brought me here. A school in Russia away from everyone. As I aged I became more closed off and cruel. When I turned thirteen, the headmaster named me his apprentice and he became my only family. I would do anything or be anyone for him. And I did. I trained harder then I had ever done before. I mastered wordless magic, became very smart, I created my own spells, and had become the most powerful witch ever by the time I was fourteen. But since we were unknown to the rest of the wizarding world, I wanted to show everyone. I told the headmaster and he slapped me. He told me that no one cared about my magic or me. I gave up my dreams that very day. When I was almost fifteen, I fought in my first war and won. I went in thousands of wars after that and never lost any. I look away from my wand and leave the room heading to my first class off the day. Manipulation. It teaches you how to be someone else and how you can get other people to do things for you. It's not my favorite class probably because I masted it. As I'm walking down the rocky hallway, I notice students looking and talking about me behind my back. One look and their silenced. They scurry off to their classes much faster then need be. A blank expression is still on my face. As is everyone's. Their are no other expressions or feelings allowed at my school. After my classes are done for the day I start heading back up to my room when the headmasters assistant Grimzarl stops me. "Ms. The headmaster requires your presence immediately". I nod and follow him to the headmasters office. Three other students are already there. I recognize them all. Henry Vaele who was in my defenses class, Kaitlin Stoshe the girl who always talked about me behind my back before she took a manners class. And Tomas Yule the boy who always tried to be better then me but always failed miserably. "Take a seat Kenna", the headmaster ordered. I sat down. "Now, we have business to discuss. Another job. Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry is in need of our presence. They have wizards terrorizing their area. You have to go and stop them. But there's more", he paused for a moment before continuing. "You will for the first time ever be attending the school for a semester acting as students for their tri-wizard tournament. Be warned my students, the rest of the world does not know of your abilities. They think you are stupid. Along with fighting the battle I need you to do a little side assignment. I need you to find and bring me a vile of basilisks blood. You need not know what for. The basilisk is somewhere in the castle and you need to find it. You will leave now. Oh and Kenna...if their is a problem with your fellow students please don't hesitate to put them in their place", he closed off. We nodded and allowed Grimzarl to lead us to a ship outside of the mountain. A place I had not been in over 12 years.

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