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Hogwarts grand hall was truly a sight. It was the the kind of room that took your breath away even time you saw it. Four tables, each evenly spread apart was in the middle of the room. Of for each of the four house. A sea of yellow at the far left, red came next, followed by blue and green. Each table had a feast of food on it with students gorging their mouths. The ceiling was the most spectacular by far. It was the dark blue sky with swirling grey clouds. Stars dotted the night sky. It was a spell of course, but I couldn't help but stare when I arrived with Henry. His arm was slung over my shoulder. He would be limping for the next few days but he should be fine. The top of the room was reserved for staff only. I searched my Kaitlin. Her bright blonde hair stood out like a sore thumb. She and Tomas sat at the edge of the stairs to the teachers chairs so I made my way to them. A got all kind of looks. Annoyed, anger, curiosity, jealousy, fear, lust. You name it. I helped Henry sit down of the bottom step. Someone cleared their throat. It was the headmaster. He motioned at me to take a seat at the empty chair next to him. I felt a gaze on my back as I sat down. I searched the room until I found him. Tom. I turned to the headmaster. He bent over and quietly said, " I want to thank you for coming to our aid and I respect you, I really do......" He dragged his last word out. "But", I replied. He took a deep breath and I could he rehearsed this. " Would you please refrain from hurting my students. The two boys, not that they shouldn't have gotten a punishment but not as severe as what you did. Their parents have wrote and are deeply upset. I guess what I'm trying to say is that well they are still in the hospital wing. Our nurse Madam Pomfrey cannot seem to find out how to cure them". I nodded seeing where he was going with this. "You want me to cure them". It wasn't a question. He sighed. "Yes. I noticed your companion looks better, so I know he helped him", he pressed. I leaned back in my chair and took a goblet in front of me. I needed something to help me with this conversation. Wine filled the glass. Hopefully the students weren't offered to get the same drinks as the teachers I thought. I swirled it around before gulping it all down. The glass refilled. The headmasters lips pressed but said nothing. "It was Henry", was my response. "I'm afraid I don't understand". I smiled without humor. Your students attacked Henry. A boy. He can't fight it his life depended on it. They picked on the weakest one of us. They were cowards". I turned my head to look at him. "I hate cowards". He noticed I was getting angry so he dropped the subject and got a drink of his own. I slammed my cup down. "I'll be at the hospital wing tonight." I grabbed my cup and left the great hall. Yes I made it personal. My father was a coward. He wasn't there for me after my mother passed and he left me as soon as it got hard. Before leaving I saw Tom looking at me out the corner of my eye. I sat my cup down on a empty table and headed for my room. Passing through the gloomy halls was peaceful and relaxing. It felt like home. Something moved behind me. I grabbed my wand out of my pocket as I spun around. Nothing was there. I put my wand away. Maybe it was the wine. I head it again. This time next to me. It was a hissing sound. I pressed my ear to the wall and sure enough I head something slither. The balsick. I grinned. Time to get that blood. Finally some real fun.

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