CH. 5

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Walking out of the deviation tower was a relief. I don't think I could stand being in that room any longer. With my head bent over a glass ball that did absolutely nothing and a teacher that went on and on about evil and dark paths, even muggle skills, a class back home would put this class to shame. And that says a lot. I took out my schedule and looked at my next class. Home economics. Whatever that is. I groaned. Another useless class. "No wonder this school is getting attacked, they don't teach the kids anything useful", I think to myself. Only two more classes till dinner. I sigh. Dinner is the meal of which we have to attend.

Walking through the home economics classroom was like walking through a stereotypical girls room. Pink walls and rugs. Large windows was framed with white lace curtains. The tables looked like they were set for a tea party. China plates and cups surrounded a banquet of white and pink roses. Small chairs surrounded each table. It looked like ever student was there. And everyone was a girl. "Great. So this is what class this is", I think. A teacher appears in front of me out of no where.

She was a plump women wearing a pink dress that went down to her feet. Pearls adorned her neck and her hair was in a bun with no stray hair sticking out. I think she could have been pretty but the stack of make up on her face made it impossible to tell. "Your late young lady", she shrieked. Out of the corner of my eye I say Kaitlin and a few girls giving me pitiful looks. "Professor, I arrived before the bell even rung, if that applies as late then you can arrange that I get out of deviation. God forbid I have to walk the entire length of the school just to reach this room", I replied in a polite and quiet voice. He cheeks turned bright red and her breathing became ragged. Then she looked me up and down. Turned around as if searching for something. Her eyes landed on Kaitlin and then turned back to me. A big smile suddenly appeared. " No worries darling. I can see that your one of those transfer students. I promised myself that I wouldn't get mad at one of you. I mean you didn't have home economics back at your school correct?", she pressed. "Correct professor". She smiled again and pointed me to a seat next to Kaitlin.

The teacher vanished the tea after we finished and needle and thread appeared in front of us. I was glad tea was over. I had never had it once before so I took a big gulp and spat it out as it burned my tongue. The teacher looked horrified. It wasn't my fault though. It's been forever since I took a class at school that taught me how to be a lady. All the classes I've been taking were war classes. And of course Kaitlin sat there with a perfect posture sipping her tea with a pinkie up. All through out tea the teacher praised her. I wasn't jealous; no of course not I wasn't like that.

Sewing was worse. Never did it before either. I kept of poking myself and at the end my fingers and forearms were covered in blood. Kaitlin leaned over and whispered into my ear, "I think I finally found something that I'm better then you at". She smiled and I stabbed myself again. This time on purpose. "Don't worry Kaitlin" I said with a small smirk on my face "when we get home, their will be nothing that you will be better then me at". Her knuckles turned white but she said nothing. "Good" I say to myself "you know when to stop talking". I never hated Kaitlin though she always though I did. We were just too different. She was one of the people that didn't fight. She would probably end up like Tomas. On the sidelines. As for Henry, I planned to personally teach him myself when the time came. I had something very important to tell him. We were in fact family. Even the headmaster didn't know this. You see when my father left me in Florence, he got married again. And his son, my half brother had a kid and so on. I believe that I was his great great great great great grandfathers aunt. He is my only family I have left.

Class ended with the teacher crying over her blooded tablecloths. I could fix them if I wanted to and I could fix the deep cuts on my hands but I choose not to. I wiped the blood on my shirt which only made the teacher cry more upset tears. Finally I got fed up and fixed them with a spell. I thought that would shut her up but that only made her cry more. I rolled my eyes and left. My hands burning as I left to my final class of the day. History of magic.

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