Ch. 3

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When I walked into my first class, no body was their yet except the teacher. I took a seat in the very front of the room. Without looking at me the teacher said, "ah Tom early again?". When I didn't reply he looked up. Embarrassed he said," oh I'm so sorry I just assumed... Oh never mind I'm professor gridlocks and you are?". "Kenna dimadeterie sir", I replied. He looked at my clothes and asked what school I was from. " Kendlark academy sir." He looked taken back. I guess he is one of the people who were told that we were stupid. " you do know that this is alchemy right? Advanced potions. Only for seventh years and gifted students?", he asked. "Yes sir. I am well aware". He was about to speak when someone came in. The professors face lit up. "Tom. How wonderful it is to see you!". I turned my head. It was the boy from this morning. The dark hair boy. His name is Tom. I scoffed and turned my head. I felt his eyes bore in the back of my head as he had a conversation with the professor. "Tom why don't you take a seat next to Kenna in the front. " she will be attending hogwarts for this semester from Kendlark academy". I heard him whisper in Toms ear. " I don't know how she got in this class Tom but it's only for a while. I hope she doesn't look at your paper". Tom nodded and took a seat next to me. Anger filled me and bad things happen when I'm angry. The professor sat back in his seat and my eyes bite in his head as he leaned over to wright. Soon older students started filing it. I would have thought that they would talk and laugh once they took their seats but they took out their quills and books and looked at the professor who finally noticed. These students were smart. Just not as smart as me. "Welcome back hogwarts students and welcome visiting student."Some kids smiled as they thought that I would fail this class. It didn't bother me . I had my emotions under control. The professor continued. "Today we will be brewing the dreamless sleep potion. Now get started and whoever gets it done first and the best gets a vile of fire protection". He waved his wand and the ingredients, cauldron, and glass vile appeared. Tom got to work immediately. When I tried to help he told me, "stay out of my way, you'll just mess it up". Annoyed I picked up the vile. He reached his hand to take it back but I put it out of his reach. He was about to speak but I cut him off with a look. I muttered a spell under my breath and the potion filled the vile. I shoved it in his hands. " if I had done it earlier, we would have finished ages ago", I said angerly. Just then professor gridlocks came by. "Tom you finished already! I must say that this is the best potion I have ever seen! 75 points to Slytherin!". He walked off cradling the potion in his hands. Groans and mumbles of winning the house cup went around the room. Tom continued to look at me most likely wondering how I did it. I grabbed my book out my bag and continued translating it. I tried working but with Tom staring down at my book and my work it was impossible. I slammed my book shut and looked at him. "What?", I said clearly annoyed. He looked taken back. Like no one used that tone with him. " how did you do that?", he persisted. " you mean, how did someone from Kendlark do that?", I said innocently. "yes", he loudly whispered. "wouldn't you like to know", I said. Tom opened his mouth to speak but the bell cut him off. We gathered our things and started for the door. The professor caught up with us and handed our reward to Tom. "here, you have it", Tom said handing it to me. I smiled and replied,"You can keep it, I have my own". I did a wordless spell and the exact potion only better was in my hand. Tom dropped his hand and stormed out with his followers following. After my second class, divination, I was heading back up to my room because it was lunch when Tomas ran up to me. "Its Henry". I allowed him to lead the way. I followed him to the great hall where lunch was being served. Teachers were not there. They were all having some sort of meeting. A big group of kids were surrounding something. we managed to push our way through. What I saw got me beyond angry. Henry was in a fight with two of Toms followers. Kaitlin was trying to pull Henry away but he was too upset. He was young so he was losing. Badly. Henry and Kaitlin had never fought in a war. Henry might not ever once I finish with him. Tomas has only been in a few. His specialties are needed behind the sidelines. I focused my eyes on Henry and he fell down screaming. The shouting of the group stopped. Kaitlin locked eyes with me and she backed away from Henry. His screaming stopped stopped and he passed out. I went toward him and grabbed his arm. The circle parted for me to make way. Kaitlin stayed a little ways behind me and Tomas. The whole room watched as we left. I smiled and the two boys who were fighting Henry started screaming. Then they passed out.

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