Ch. 2

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The ship reached the hogwarts dock at daybreak. The castle stood on top of a mountain unlike ours which is in a mountain. The windows on the castle were dark so I assumed everyone inside must be asleep. I stepped off the ship and onto the platform. A wide eyed looking man was there to meet us. "Hello, I'm professor dumbledore". He paused for a moment to look is over. "Right this way", he continued. He walked out of the ship yard and to a long flight of stairs that only led up. We followed him up as he ascended. It was a long walk and my legs started to burn. Finally we reached the top. We walked into a courtyard and up the steps to the main door. He stopped abruptly and turned around."now the other schools are here. I have told the students of your arrival so if their is any student causing you trouble please come to me". "Don't worry professor. We can handle our selfs", I said in an emotionless tone. "That's what I'm afraid of", he muttered under his breath unaware that we heard. He pushed open the door and ushered us inside. It was different. It was warm and inviting while ours was cold and closed off. We continued walking till we reached a staircase that led up to a bunch of rotating ones. "Ooh you must be tired from the trip, we have rooms for you if you would like." Tomas spoke up,"thank you sir for your hospitality but we're going to have to decline". Professor dumbledore looked taken back. He was about to speak but Henry cut it."We don't sleep sir". Realization spread across the professors face. "Of course but I'll give you a room anyway to put your things",he said with his mind set. We followed him up the stairs, down a hallway, and through a door. Two beds on one side of the room and two on the other with a sitting room in the middle. Desks and bookshelfs lined the room. Another door led to a bathroom. "Now I'll let you put your things away", he stopped mid sentence and looked at our hands that only carried our wands. "I'll just alert the headmaster of your presence and I'll be back here later to escort you to breakfast". He was about to leave when I called out,"their is no need, we know the way". "If you insist", he finished and left the room. We immediately took a bed. Me and Henry ended up on the right side of the room and Tomas and Kaitlin on the other. I used my wand and made my things appear by my bed. I immediately opened my trunk and took out a book. It was an ancient book written by Merlin himself. I was almost finished decoding it and I planned to finish it today. A sat at a desk and got to work. A few words in and Kaitlin and Henry started to talk about ways they mess with the other students. Their young. Only a couple hundred years old. In another hundred they will be sophisticated and will know how to behave. Thankfully Tomas was being quiet and doing research on the basilisk. I did mine on the ship. Soon I got fed up with the loud noise and left the room to go to the library. On the ship I memorized the layout of the castle so I know it like the back of my head now. I descended the long stairs and down the hall. On the way I saw a few students who gave me questioning looks. Probably thinking which school I'm from and why I'm dressed the way I am. I reached the library and sat at a table in the far back of the room with a view to the door. I opened the book and started translating again. Footsteps jerked me out of my work. Annoyed I looked up. Two boys walked in. One with white blonde hair and a school robe with a snake crest on it. Slytherin. A house of arrogant pricks. The other boy was taller with styled dark brown hair and blue eyes. Another Slytherin. They were in a deep conversation that I tuned out and the taller one looked mad. I rolled my eyes and got back to work. Their talking stopped when they noticed I were there. The blonde one laughed. Anger seeped through my skin. I stood up and grabbed my work. As I was walking passed them I muttered under my breath I spell and a deep cut formed on the blonde haired boys hand. His wand dropped. He cried out in pain and looked at his hand. He whispered to the other boy,"why?". A small smile formed at my lips but quickly disappeared when the tall boy noticed. I closed the door behind me and went back to my room. Breakfast had started but we didn't go. We had no need for it. When I returned Henry, Kaitlin, and Tomas all had their schedules out. Kaitlin handed me mine. My first class was Alchemy. When the bell rang I grabbed a school bag given to me by professor dumbledore and left.

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