Chapter 5- will this be a new start? for us all?

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Marjorie was awoken by a phone call from Reece. Picking up her phone, she left the room quietly, trying not to wake Julia, who was still asleep on the hospital chair next to her.
As soon as she answered, she heard Reece's voice. "What happened? How is she?"
His voice was shaky and frantic, Marjorie could hear his sniffles as he tried his hardest to contain his tears.
Marjorie broke down as she heard his agony. She tried her hardest to explain, floods of warm, salty tears pouring from her eyes and rolling down her cheeks as she replayed what she had seen just a few hours ago.
"I should've known Reece. I could've helped her. I should've seen the warning signs. That's why she was wearing hoodies."
She looked up at the clock, her vision blurry, but she could tell it was 6:14 AM.
She'd have to answer questions to everybody soon.
"It's not your fault gorgeous, i'm on my way. i'll get Siobhan to take care of the nursery."
Reece could no longer contain his sorrow, listening to Marjorie blame herself made him   sob.
Little did she know, Reece also blamed himself.
He noticed something was wrong, yet he felt like he did the bare minimum. Not enough. He should've done more. How could he let himself believe her stupid lies?
After all he'd gone through, going through an eating disorder himself, hiding his struggles during then hardest time in his life,
how could he possibly believe her lies,
he used to be an expert at lying himself.
"i'll call you back gorgeous, i'm going to ring Siobhan. I can't go to work today."
His voice still shaky, he tried to compose himself as he prepared to talk to Siobhan.

"Alright my love. I love you."
Marjorie sniffled.
The phone ended, and Reece called Siobhan.
Marjorie re-entered the room, making eye contact with Julie who was now awake.
"You alright my love?"
Julie could tell Marj had been crying yet again, "i will be. Are you? You don't exactly look it."
Clicking on to what she meant, she told Julie about the phone call with Reece.
"Reece called me. He's on his way over."
"Carly will love that. He's helped her more than he knows." Julie peered over at her daughter, anticipating her awakening.
Marjorie lifts her phone from her back pocket, feeling it vibrate. "it's Reece."

"Hey gorgeous. i've let Siobhan know,  i'm nearly there now. Meet me in the lobby."
His voice was unusually nervous, he was scared to see Carly, but he knew he needed to.
"Alright my love i'll walk to you now."
Marjorie noticed his unusual tone, hearing him so worried made her want to cry again. It wasn't very often that the knight siblings showed their emotions. They always hid them, hiding with a smile.

Hanging up the phone, she walked to the lobby, seeing Reece in the doorway.
She ran into his arms, clinging around him.
Nuzzling her head into his chest, she started to sob. Being with Reece made her feel comforted, he felt the same way.
Unable to contain himself, Reece held marjorie's head close into his chest, rubbing her head with his thumb as he started to break down and cry. For a while, they just stood there, both holding each other as they wept.
Eventually, they pulled apart. "come on. let's go to her." Marjorie intwertwined her fingers with his, guiding him through the hospital corridors until they reached her room.
Marjorie walked in first, Reece followed behind, taking in a deep breath as he didn't know what to expect.
He knew seeing the young girl so helpless would break him.

It did.

Laying his eyes on her, observing her face.
She looked pale, drained. Her eyes were sunken, and sad.
He went over to her bedside, grabbing her hand gently.
"i'm so sorry Carly."
Tears began to well in his eyes again, moistening his face.
He couldn't believe he had let her get to this.
He turned to Julie and Marjorie, who both sat and watched him, also both in tears.
"As long as she will be okay. from now on she will always have someone by her side. She will never get this bad again. I promise you" Looking at Julie, his facial expressions questioning her, desperate to know if she will be okay.
Julie noticed his worry, "It's okay. She'll be okay. They hope she will wake up today after sedatives have worn off. She's going to get the help she needs."
He got up, grabbing Marjorie's hand in his. "Does anyone else know yet?"
"I've put a message in the staff group chat, i don't think anyone's seen it yet." Pulling herself closer to him, she composed and wiped her tears.
"Let me know when they reply."
He didn't know why he wanted to know so much, he just felt like he'd needed to protect everything and everyone.
"I will." rubbing her thumb up and down on reece's hand, she tried to put his mind at rest.
Julia got up and took herself to the toilet. "I'll be one minute"
"Alright my love." Marjorie gave her a slightly reassuring smile.

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