CHAPTER FIVE: Believe me now?

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They still don't believe you, what else do you want.

Let your "I knew I was right!" thoughts cloud your thoughts.

Your once great leader sits there and watches you mourn.

All of your friends and allies are torn.

Don't forget you loss a friend.

Don't act like it is all pretend.

So listen Ziera, you absolute fool.

You can't save them all, I won't let you


Ziera stared down at Leaps dead body. It was covered and acid in blood.... That was the strange taste. And his... insides... were spilled out, burning and spreading a foul smell... that's why he was limp and light weight. At first, she couldn't believe it, leap was really dead, she tried to gather here thoughts. T-the Radiation... T-thats why... I-thought he was still alive... I was hallucinating. That thought made her feel like she just got hit by a truck, this whole time she thought Leap was still alive. Tears streamed down her face, in a matter of seconds she collapsed onto the ground, paws over her face, sobbing loudly.

DAMMIT, dammit, dammit, dammit! WHY? Why did he have to die, Pyra is going to be devastated it... If I even get to see her again. I-I can't do his, I don't want to stay down here any longer! Why did I even agree to go down here. Now the youngest in the group is dead! W-what if that monster comes back!?.....

What if there's more...

Her thoughts raced around, some she even said audibly. She was so angry, yet so sad. Dale walked beside her, though Jazzy stomped beside her, sitting beside Leaps body, tears fell down his face, he closed his eyes and cried quietly. Dale, despite wanting to burst out sobbing, he sat beside Ziera and tried to figure out... how that happened. "Ziera... I know you probably don't want to talk about it... but can you tell was happened to him?". She stared at the ground, her fur bristled up, she could picture it perfectly. "When I-I woke up, Leap was gone... I... went to go looking f-for him.. a-and then -t-t-there was a... a....". "Its ok, Ziera, you can tell us...". Ziera looked straight into his eyes.

"A Monster! A whole real Monster!!" Ziera barked, getting the attention of Jazzy.

"Pfft, liar, there are no-", "Then Explain what happened", ".... I don't need to... Ugh, Look at yourself, using the death of a friend as an excuse to prove your theory!" Jazzy growled, standing up. Ziera glared at him, standing up as well. Dale stood between them, "Hey, there's no need to fight!". "There is a need to fight!". Dale huffed, standing his ground between them "Don't do it Jazzy, we can talk this out." Behind him, Ziera snarled, "I'm telling both of you There is a monster out there and it'll kill all three of us if we don't get out of here!". Jazzy got even more mad, "OH PLEASE! Would you just shut up about these 'dangerous monsters', for the last time Ziera, there. is. nothing. down. her--"

"Then tell me, what happened to him? Huh? Nobody just randomly dies... Especially like this!". Jazzy paused for a moment, Ziera thought he had given up, but that was far from what was about to happen. "you did it..." Jazzy barked, shoving Dale out of the was, gradually getting closer to Ziera. "YOU killed him! There's no other explanation, just admit it, you did this just to make us think there is something dangerous out there, You!--"

"ENOUGH!!"  Ziera howled, she had had it. With no second thoughts, she charged at him. Enraged from his excuses and false claims. Dale had no time to react, he could only watch and shout. "Ziera! Stop!". She could have easily pinned Jazzy down and settled it, but she wanted him to feel the pain Leap had to, just for him to think she did it? She had tried her best to save him, and that's how he acts? Lies, claims, and accusations she just couldn't take it.

She bit and scratched, doing everything she could to make him feel pain, but he had an advantage.... or at least, something to make her back off. In the midst of her fury, he used his tail and stabbed her with the sharp crystals that partially covered his tail. She let out a howl of pain, stepping back, still keeping her eyes on Jazzy. Finally, before Ziera could pursue her attack, Dale shoved her to the ground, making sure neither she or Jazzy could fight anymore.

"Now, both of you, please, calm down... can we just mourn in peace... at least until we actually figure out the cause of that... minus the fighting...". Jazzy walked back over to Leap, seemingly disposing of what just happened to focus on him. Ziera, on the other claw, got up and rushed away from the two, out of the clearing. "Ziera, where are you-.... sigh I guess she could blow off some steam out there... despite what happened.... I'll just stick around... just to make sure she's safe...". With a hesitant nod to Jazzy, he headed off, silently following Ziera.


Oh what a battle that was!...even though it didn't last quite as long as I wanted it to... but still... He did great at taking down that single elemental!.Ahem Good, one down, three more to go.... but maybe I'll keep the wolf alive... she's important. 

Now I have to listen to that Fox cry all night, ughhh, annoying. It's not big of a deal... plus, he'll join him later...

Now who should I choose next.... Hmm.....I have just the idea!

Burn and Blaze will be great for him...

( 910 WORDS! sweet!)

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