CHAPTER TWELVE: Back to the past (2)

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"Triple. Element. Ethereals!"

Zarroe said quite cheerfully, but the others... didn't quite have the same expression..

Enchantler looked down at the paper, quite concerned. And that didn't help either. It was full of drawings of so called "Triple Element Ethereals" some fully colored, some were just sketched out. The made one thing really clear.... He created all of them himself! Down to the very last detail. Who knows what power he possessed... and most of all..

The instability that came with it...



"Do... you...

Do you know how much danger you've put us all in!?!?"


"They're too unstable! WAY too unstable! If you ever let them out.... They'll destroy the stability and peace the Collosals worked so hard to protect!!" She hissed. They already didn't have the best reputation by the Collosals, this would pull it down even more! "I agree! Its best you get rid of them at once!" Faesodd said. "Mhm...hehe.... But I have to say...this quite a remarkable creation..." Cruv"lappht whispered, just so nobody could hear. 

Zarroë couldn't believe it! There's no way all of his hard work was just for his allies to scold him! He looked at Necrull, hoping his friend... best Friend would back him up... but to his defeat, he didn't...". "Im sorry Zarroë.... But they're right...". Even Phosphora, the titan that always thought things could be resolved without drastic measures... didn't say a word to defuse the situation. "But... the workshop... I-It keeps them stable I promise--". "NO Zarroë! You're risking everyone's safety! Including the single and double element ethereals! Even MY monsters! This isn't safe!".

Cruv'Lappht, who seemed unlikely to say anything else stepped in. "Enchantler... can't we just take a moment to think about this? I mean.... Triple Element Ethereals! Thats amazing!". "Amazingly DEADLY you mean!? I'm trying to keep us all safe! So stop being ignorant!". Cruv'Lappht winced slightly and backed away, but his word still stood.

"Now... Last chance, will you get rid of them? You have until tomorrow to make your decision! This argument shall be put on hold until then. Lets go". Enchantler and the others left...

All my work... for this!?

You've worked so hard... 


Show them... show them your power! Show them what you can REALLY do!

b-but...who are you?

I'll tell you later... But for now... Im go!




"Enchantler..." Necrull spoke, "Don't you think we could've settled that easier....?". "What? If we went soft on him, he would've done it again! He's made too many mistakes! We're on a thin line...". "I mean... I guess you're right...".

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