Part 41~ M tells His dad and a insane man

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M/Explorer Pov-

My hands shook as I teleported into my house. Could Sabre be Elan? He knew Latin but that could just be by chance. I quickly took off my hood as I went to go find Dad. I had to tell him about Sabre, There was no way that I wasn't going to tell him and Prof. Red about him. Even if the Professor starts stalking him to find out if he's truly Elan...

As I knocked on My dad's Door he opened it and stared at me tiredly. Once he saw my face though he quickly let me inside. Prof. Red for some reason was already here and I didn't outwardly question it.

"What happened While you were out Explorer?" My dad asked as Prof. Red looked interested.

"W-well..." I hesitated before Speaking again. "Remember when I told you about the Rainbow kingdom and Sabre?" I asked as They nodded.

"You both stopped me from going to meet This Sabre." Prof. Red recalled as I chuckled slightly.

"Well... I told Sabre About how Sol wants the Revival stones as The man showed himself. While we were Talking though..." I hesitated again as Dad gestured for me to continue. "H-He spoke Latin."

"What...?" Dad said as I looked at him in the Eye.

"He Spoke Latin dad. I don't know if he realized it or not but it still took me by surprise and... I think that he might be Elan." I finished as Dad and Prof. Red froze. Dad Was the first to move and Grab The Professor's Arm.

"Let me go! I need to see him!" The man half Shouted as Dad sighed.

"We don't know if he's truly Elan Professor." This Caused the Man to pause. "We need to gather more Information before just showing ourselves."

"I-I... I just want my brother..." He mumbled as I nodded in understanding.

"We know Professor. But we need to learn more About him before Assuming." I told him as He nodded.

"Is there any way for us to Help?" Dad asked as I hesitated.

"I think... If Any of the steves go to the last Red kingdom and I'm with them and Your there, Call me M." I said as They nodded before The Professor Asked,

"Why M?"

"Sabre gave me the Name as I didn't tell him mine." I informed him as He nodded.

"alright then."

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